Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Hoe kun je een gedetineerde persoon bewegen om stil te staan bij wat er gebeurd is?

Reflecties van een herstelconsulent

Trefwoorden Herstelconsulent, Gevangenis, Puinruimen, Herstelgerichte detentie, Re-integratie
Auteurs Evert Kampert

Evert Kampert
Evert Kampert is herstelconsulent bij de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid in de penitentiaire inrichting Nieuwegein.
  • Samenvatting

      In Dutch prisons restorative ways of working are integrated more and more in the daily life and training modules for the detainees. In some of the correctional institutions a special person dedicated to the topic is hired; the so-called ‘restorative consultant’ (herstelconsulent). Evert Kampert is such a consultant and works for several years in the prison in Nieuwegein. He describes in this practice note how they work on a restorative prison culture. This is a culture where they try to motivate everyone working within the institution to focus on restoring the disturbed relationship between the offender, his network, the victim and society. It is also a culture where it is normalized to talk about the offence and what can be done to avoid such mistakes again. One of the trainings Kampert is involved with is called ‘Clearing Rubble’ (Puinruimen). The course is explained in detail.

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