Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Digitalisering en de politiefunctie: hoe het speelveld verandert en wat dat van de politie vraagt

Trefwoorden digitalisering, politiefunctie, opsporing, ordehandhaving, online criminaliteit
Auteurs Wouter Stol, Jurjen Jansen en Wouter Landman

Wouter Stol
Wouter Stol is werkzaam als lector Cybersafety bij NHL Stenden Hogeschool en de Politieacademie, bijzonder hoogleraar Politiestudies aan de Open Universiteit en Operationeel Specialist bij Politie Nederland. wstol@planet.nl

Jurjen Jansen
Jurjen Jansen is werkzaam als lector Digitale Weerbaarheid van Mens en Organisatie bij NHL Stenden Hogeschool en de Politieacademie. jurjen.jansen@nhlstenden.com

Wouter Landman
Wouter Landman is werkzaam als zelfstandig onderzoeker en adviseur bij Bureau Landman. wouter@bureaulandman.nl
  • Samenvatting

      This article is about digitalization and the police function. Digitalization has brought about changes that have significantly altered the playing field for the police function. Especially, actors outside the police function have gained additional opportunities to challenge or contribute to the legal order. This is due to changes in organizational capacity, information capacity and normative capacity. We provide examples of this by examining the influence of digitalization on crime and public order. This 'new' reality forces the police to reflect on their role. In this article, we offer several possible approaches to fuel further debate about the police function and the role that the police can or should play in it. These approaches include: 1) collaboration with citizens and private organizations, and regulating social control, 2) moving from investigation to an integral approach, and 3) ensuring legal protection by monitoring the use of new capabilities by citizens and organizations. These changes require a proactive approach to ensure and strengthen the effectiveness of the police function in the digital age.

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