Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


De Koninklijke Marechaussee in het plurale ­politiebestel: een studie naar haar politiële geweldgebruik

Trefwoorden geweld, pluralisering, verantwoording, politiefunctie, marechaussee
Auteurs Tim van Lit

Tim van Lit
Tim van Lit is buitenpromovendus aan het Van Vollenhoven Instituut van de Universiteit Leiden. De data in dit artikel zijn verkregen in het kader van zijn promotieonderzoek naar geweldgebruik door de Koninklijke Marechaussee (KMar). Dit onderzoek wordt onafhankelijk van de KMar en het ministerie van Defensie uitgevoerd; er is door hen geen inhoudelijke sturing of controle op dit onderzoek. De KMar heeft voorafgaand aan deze publicatie inzage in een conceptversie van dit artikel gekregen en feitelijke onjuistheden kunnen aangeven. t.j.van.lit@law.leidenuniv.nl
  • Samenvatting

      The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (RNLM) is part of the Dutch plural police system and executes police tasks whereby officers can use force. Political debate or academic research into this use of force is lacking despite an increased public discussion about police powers and discretion, and despite the announced rethinking of the Dutch police model by the Minister for Justice and Security. This lack of research and knowledge stands in the way of an informed debate or (inter)national comparison of use of force. This article aims to initiate public and scientific interest in the RNLM as police force in general and its use of force specifically. In doing so, it contributes to the process of rethinking the Dutch police model. To achieve this, unique quantitative data on the use of force by the RNLM is presented and analysed. The results of the analysis are discussed against the background of the (inter)national literature on the pluralization of the police. It is found that, between 2012 and 2022, there is an increase in RNLM use of force. The use of force is largely by physical means, although instrumental force is also used, such as pepper spray, baton, and firearms. The use of firearms is stable over time, but it appears that RNLM officers use their firearm often in combination with other means of force. This research also found that the reporting system for use of force and the managerial overview of use of force by the RNLM is not complete and inadequate, especially concerning cross border operations and cooperation with other organizations such as the Dutch National Police. This results in the need for further research and stresses the importance of including the RNLM in public and academic debate about rethinking the Dutch plural police system, police authorities, discretionary decision-making, and use of force.

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