
Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

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Aflevering 1, 2023 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Agressie en geweld tegen ambtenaren-OOV: In de spotlight van de ­burgemeester

Trefwoorden ambtenaar-OOV, lokale veiligheid, geweld tegen ambtenaren, onveiligheidsgevoelens
Auteurs Mervin Pinas, Dorian Schaap en Bas van Stokkom

    Municipal advisors for public order and safety are fast gaining more responsibilities in the Dutch local safety domain, making their previously behind-the-screens role more visible. It is unclear to what extent this new visibility also increases the risks they face of encountering citizen aggression and violence. Existing policy and research attention is mostly focused on violence against the police and against more political local public officials such as mayors. In this study, we examine aggression and violence against municipal public order and safety advisors through a survey of people working in this profession in every municipality in the Netherlands.
    We find that nearly half of those surveyed indicate being victims of violence or aggression, with over 31% having been threatened. In most of these cases, perpetrators were thought to be frustrated and emotional, contradicting the dominant image of calculating, manipulative aggressors.
    While municipal public order and safety advisors consider their risk of becoming victim of aggression to be lower than that of mayors or street-level safety officials and many of them feel quite safe in their work, they still consider their risk of future victimization to be high. Moreover, those who have encountered aggression before feel less safe, and in many cases feel less supported by their management. Those who feel safe in their work, say they do so because they are not very visible, because their organization does a good job supporting them, or they trust in their own capacities in de-escalating a situation.
    The results show that as the responsibilities of this diverse professional group evolve, their increased visibility in the ‘mayor’s spotlight’ puts them at serious risk of aggression and violence. Municipalities should take these risks into account and put policies in place for protecting, supporting and training their public order and safety advisors.

Mervin Pinas
Mervin Pinas is voormalig adviseur Openbare Orde en Veiligheid, gemeente Nijkerk, en is momenteel plv. vestigingsdirecteur van Justitieel Complex Zaanstad.

Dorian Schaap
Dorian Schaap is universitair docent bestuurskunde aan de Radboud Universiteit.

Bas van Stokkom
Bas van Stokkom is senior onderzoeker bij Straf(proces)recht en Criminologie, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Openbare orde en veiligheid in het college van burgemeester en wethouders. De rol van de ‘wethouder veiligheid’

Trefwoorden wethouder veiligheid, burgemeester, lokaal bestuur, veiligheid, openbare orde
Auteurs Julien van Ostaaijen, Ellen van den Kieboom-Bolluyt en Ron Ritzen

    At the Dutch municipal level, public order and safety are mainly associated with the mayor, who possesses most competences in that area. Nevertheless, in recent decades, the ‘safety alderman’ also seems on the rise. We define ‘safety alderman’ as an alderman that explicitly has safety, public order and/or enforcement in his or her portfolio. In this article, we examine how safety aldermen function, especially regarding cooperation with the mayor and other aldermen. We see that in practice an implicit or explicit dividing line exists between the work of a mayor and that of a safety alderman and that cooperation between the two is essential for the effective functioning of the safety alderman.

Julien van Ostaaijen
Julien van Ostaaijen is als lector Recht & Veiligheid verbonden aan het Expertisecentrum Veiligheid van Avans Hogeschool en de Juridische Hogeschool Avans & Fontys, en is universitair docent aan Tilburg University.

Ellen van den Kieboom-Bolluyt
Ellen van den Kieboom-Bolluyt is docent Integrale Veiligheid aan Avans Hogeschool.

Ron Ritzen
Ron Ritzen is senior-docent Bestuursrecht aan de Juridische Hogeschool Avans & Fontys.

Verschillen tussen buurtclusters in de kans op woningbrand en samenhangende buurtkenmerken: een verkenning

Trefwoorden woningbrand, buurtclusters, buurtkenmerken, regressiemodel, verkenning
Auteurs Max Geelen en Ike Kroesbergen

    This explorative research is focused on the rate of residential fires in neighborhoods in a region that highly variates in urban and rural areas. Firstly, based on neighborhood characteristics from open data this research distinguish clusters of neighborhoods using a clustering technique. Secondly, the rate of residential fire is analyzed for the clusters of neighborhoods and shows differences between those clusters. Furthermore, a regression model is made for the rate of residential fire in each of the clusters of neighborhoods. In the clusters of neighborhoods with higher rates of residential fire, percentage of private rental residences, percentage of persons who have a migration background, percentage of lower income households, percentage of one person households and percentage of smokers are higher. These results give direction to further research. The findings on this level of neighborhoods are not causal relations, and are not applicable to the rate of residential fire in individual residents or households.

Max Geelen
Max Geelen werkte als datascientist bij de GGD West-Brabant o.a. aan data-analyses op woningbranden.

Ike Kroesbergen
Ike Kroesbergen is als senior onderzoeker veiligheid & gezondheid werkzaam bij de GGD West-Brabant.

Jelle Brands
Jelle Brands is universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.

Janne van Doorn
Janne van Doorn is universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden.