Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Asielzoekers als (vermeende) daders

Trefwoorden asiel, jihadisme, oorlogsmisdadigers, identificatie, indicators
Auteurs Joris van Wijk en Maarten Bolhuis

Joris van Wijk
Joris van Wijk werkt als criminoloog bij het Center for International Criminal Justice (CICJ) aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.

Maarten Bolhuis
Maarten Bolhuis werkt als criminoloog bij het Center for International Criminal Justice (CICJ) aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution describes the legal basis for revoking or denying a residence status to asylum seekers and individuals in possession of a status who are considered war criminals, ‘common’ criminals or terrorists, in what way the Dutch government tries to identify these persons, and what the nature and size of this group is. The authors conclude that identifying alleged war criminals and jihadists is particularly complex and that there is a tension with respect to the use, necessity and desirability of making available concrete tools in the form of indicators to first line professionals for the purpose of identifying jihadists. The presence of unwanted but unremovable (criminal) asylum seekers is undesirable from the perspective of society. The suggestion is made to provide them, under certain conditions, with a temporary residence status.

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