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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

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Aflevering 4, 2012 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Twitter tijdens flitscrises

Een onderbenut potentieel?

Trefwoorden Twitter, flash crises, crisis communication, Moerdijk, social media
Auteurs Jelle Groenendaal, Martine de Bas en Ira Helsloot

    By pointing to the immense use of Twitter by citizens during crises, communication experts argue that governments should participate more actively on Twitter during crises. Until now, however, little empirical research has been conducted to validate this claim. This article aims at validating this claim and putting forward building blocks for an evidence-based vision on the use of Twitter by governments during flash crises, i.e. large-scale incidents that occur unexpectedly and immediately. The authors analysed 52.806 tweets sent by citizens and governments during a large-scale industrial fire in Moerdijk (2011). They looked at the content of the tweets and sorted them into fourteen categories. The results show that most of the tweets sent by citizens contained no new or relevant information for governments. In addition, the tweets sent by governments were totally ‘snowed under’ in the huge stream of tweets from citizens. Consequently, the tweets sent by governments were very little re-tweeted by Twitter users. The authors conclude that the Moerdijk case does not show a need for a more proactive role of governments on Twitter.

Jelle Groenendaal
Jelle Groenendaal MSc is onderzoeker bij Crisislab en promovendus aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. E-mail:

Martine de Bas
Martine de Bas MSc is adviseur crisisbeheersing en veiligheid bij de gemeente Papendrecht. E-mail:

Ira Helsloot
Prof. dr. Ira Helsloot is hoogleraar Besturen van Veiligheid aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en voorzitter van stichting Crisislab. E-mail:

Fysieke belasting van brandweerwerk in relatie tot gezondheid, fitheid en inzetbaarheid van brandweermensen

Trefwoorden firefighting, physical demands, health and fitness, deployability, active recovery, physical safety
Auteurs Eric Mol, Ronald Heus, Ron van Raaij e.a.

    Based on state-of-the-art scientific knowledge, this article reviews the physical aspects of firefighting in relation to physical safety. Firefighting is known to be one of the most demanding occupations. Based on the ‘Occupational Demands Model’ the (physical) strain of firefighting is described. The physical demands of firefighting are determined by a combination of firefighting-specific efforts, the use of personal protective equipment and enviromental and climatological conditions. The effects on the firefighter depend on his/her health and fitness status as well as on his/her hydration and nutrition status and influences the repressive job performance. If the demands and the effects are not in balance, personal safety, health and effectivity of the firefighter’s deployment are in jeopardy and hence his/her physical safety. In the second part of the paper, the relationship between the physical demands of firefighting and health, fitness and deployability of firefighters are described. Finally, a method of maintaining deployability prior to, during and post firefighting activities or training through active recovery is described to improve the preparedness of the individual firefighter.

Eric Mol
Drs. Eric Mol is als docent/onderzoeker verbonden aan het Instituut Sport en Bewegingsstudies (ISBS) van de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN). E-mail:

Ronald Heus
Drs. Ronald Heus is senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid (NIFV).

Ron van Raaij
Drs. Ron van Raaij is als bedrijfsarts/duikerarts werkzaam bij Bedrijfsartsen5 Zuidwest.

Ricardo Weewer
Dr. ir. Ricardo Weewer is lector Brandweerkunde aan de Brandweeracademie van het Nederlands Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid (NIFV).

George Havenith
Prof. dr. George Havenith is hoogleraar Environmental Physiology and Ergonomics en directeur van het Environmental Ergonomics Research Centre, Loughborough University (UK)

Zijn veiligheidshuizen effectief?

Een onderzoek naar de stand van zaken

Trefwoorden Safety Houses, network effectiveness, governance, crime prevention, QCA
Auteurs Remco Mannak, Hans Moors en Jörg Raab

    In the Netherlands ‘Safety Houses’ have been established, in which partner organizations in the field of criminal justice, crime prevention, law enforcement, public administration and social services collaborate in order to reduce crime and recidivism, and to increase public safety. This article examines why some Safety Houses are better in achieving these goals than others. The effectiveness of 39 Safety Houses is analyzed by means of QCA (qualitative comparative analysis). Results show two different paths leading to effective outcomes. Effective Safety Houses have been in existence for at least three years, show a high degree of stability and a centrally integrated collaboration structure. In addition, they either have considerable resources at their disposal or have been set up with a network administrative organization, where a neutral coordinator governs the network.

Remco Mannak
Remco Mannak MA MSC is promovendus aan het departement organisatiewetenschappen van Tilburg University. E-mail:

Hans Moors
Drs. Hans Moors is hoofd van de afdeling Veiligheid & criminaliteit, welzijn & zorg van IVA Beleidsonderzoek en Advies (Tilburg University). E-mail:

Jörg Raab
Dr. Jörg Raab is universitair docent aan het departement Organisatiewetenschappen van Tilburg University.

Van prison gang tot TBS

Auteurs Robby Roks

Robby Roks
Robby Roks is als promovendus verbonden aan de sectie Criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam. E-mail:

Angst voor criminaliteit bij jongeren

Auteurs Evelien Van den Herrewegen

Evelien Van den Herrewegen
Dr. Evelien Van den Herrewegen is als postdoctoraal medewerker verbonden aan de Vakgroep Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Universiteit Gent. E-mail: