
Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

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Aflevering 3, 2011 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

De problematiek van sfeervervaging bij de bestuurlijk-strafrechtelijke aanpak van mensenhandel in de legale prostitutiesector

Trefwoorden human trafficking, prostitution control, adminstrative measures, prevention, criminal justice
Auteurs Nina Holvast en Patrick van der Meij

    Since the legalization of the prostitution sector, not only has the combating of human trafficking through criminal law been substantially fortified, but also the administrative approach to human trafficking in that sector. This integral approach of human trafficking, in which administrative and criminal law measures complement each other, is necessary to combat this harrowing type of crime. The criminal law-administrative approach offers good footholds for a more forceful reaction to human trafficking. Besides the preventive effect administrative measures can have as a complement to criminal law, administrative supervision can also be useful to obtain criminal law information. However, that brings several new dilemmas with it that are connected to the phenomenon of the blurring of spheres. Under certain circumstances, the blurring of spheres between a criminal law and an administrative approach can lead to an improper use of competencies. We conclude that in the manner in which the prostitution sector is currently supervised, the legal protection of the citizen against actions of the supervisor is inadequately guaranteed. That does not mean that information that is obtained through administrative supervision may no longer be used in criminal cases. It is to be recommended however that several changes be made to current practice, which may prevent the improper use of supervisory competencies in prostitution controls.

Nina Holvast
Mr. drs. N.L. (Nina) Holvast is junior onderzoeker bij de sectie Criminologie van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail:

Patrick van der Meij
Mr. dr. P.P.J. (Patrick) van der Meij is strafrechtadvocaat bij Cleerdin & Hamer Advocaten in Amsterdam en tevens research fellow bij het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden. E-mail:

Zijn Nederlandse burgers écht enthousiast over de nieuwe antiterrorismemaatregelen?

Een vergelijking van attitudes en willingness to pay

Trefwoorden counterterrorism policy, public opinion, willingness to pay, legitimacy
Auteurs Johan van Wilsem en Maartje van der Woude

    Since 2001, the Netherlands have broadened their array of antiterrorism legislation and policies. However, there is hardly any insight into the level of public support for them. This article assesses the Dutch public opinion on four measures that were recently made effective: enhanced possibilities for stop-and-search, broadening of possibilities for special investigative resources, increased obligations for identification, and body scans in airports. Two randomly selected, comparable groups were asked different questions about these issues: attitudes or willingness to pay. The results show that respondents have positive attitudes towards newly introduced antiterrorism measures, yet simultaneously, they have low willingness to pay. Both groups were also asked how they would allocate an imaginary fixed budget to various criminal justice policies and tax rebate. These results show similar relations for both attitudes and willingness to pay, suggesting they both measure the relative importance assigned to antiterrorism policies. A right political orientation predicts both positive attitudes and high willingness to pay. Furthermore, people with high income have higher willingness to pay. The results underline the necessity to pay attention to the subtleties underlying public opinion on crime control.

Johan van Wilsem
Dr. J.A. (Johan) van Wilsem is universitair hoofddocent criminologie bij het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden. E-mail:

Maartje van der Woude
Mr. dr. M.A.H. (Maartje) van der Woude is universitair docent criminologie bij het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden. E-mail:

Internationale lessen voor een sluitende aanpak nazorg

Een literatuurstudie over evaluatieonderzoek naar nazorgprogramma’s voor ex-gedetineerden

Trefwoorden prisoners reentry programs, employment programs for offenders, transitional housing, substance dependent offenders, recidivism
Auteurs Tamar Fischer

    The Dutch aftercare for former prisoners is strongly developing. This article describes lessons from international experiences with aftercare for former prisoners in three areas of life: alcohol and drug problems, work and housing. Moreover, it discusses which lessons are especially relevant for the Dutch system. The analysis of the literature shows to what extent and under which conditions voluntary aftercare can affect reintegration and recidivism. Conclusions are that various aftercare programs do affect recidivism to some extent, but that the level of success differs substantially across programs and across subpopulations of former prisoners. Both programs that start during detention and continue after release and programs that combine multiple services (e.g. housing services and drug treatment) are most successful. Work programs have the strongest effects for older individuals. In all three areas of aftercare studied in this article, the strongest program effects were found for subpopulations with the highest risk of recidivism. The review also shows that communication between organizations and the integration of services are very important for the success of aftercare programs.

Tamar Fischer
Dr. T.F.C. (Tamar) Fischer is universitair docent bij de sectie Criminologie van de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail:

Risico’s en redelijkheid

Trefwoorden book review, radical youth
Auteurs Paul Dekker

    In this contribution the author reviews: Risico’s en redelijkheid. Verkenning naar een rijksbreed beoordelingskader voor de toelaatbaarheid van risico’s, by I. Helsloot, R. Pieterman & J.C. Hanekamp.

Paul Dekker
Prof. dr. P. (Paul) Dekker is hoofd van de onderzoeksgroep Participatie & Bestuur van het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) en hoogleraar Civil Society aan de Universiteit van Tilburg. E-mail:

Integrale veiligheid als reflexieve praktijk

Trefwoorden book review, integral safety
Auteurs Ron van Wonderen

    In this contribution the author reviews: Integrale veiligheid als reflectieve praktijk, by Sjaak Khonraad.

Ron van Wonderen
Drs. R. (Ron) van Wonderen is senior onderzoeker bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut in Utrecht. E-mail: