
Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

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Aflevering 2, 2011 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Het actuele veiligheidsdebat in Frankrijk

Een toneelstuk in meerdere bedrijven

Trefwoorden security policy, security discourse, Sarkozysm, battle of criminologists
Auteurs Marc Cools

    In this contribution the current security debate in France is dissected as if it were a play in different acts. President Sarkozy, the political producer, has launched a public ‘schizophrenic’ discussion in which criminologists/sociologists act and quarrel on the edge of a knife. This debate can only be understood in reference to French criminological history, politics, structures and scientific particularities. The contents of this criminological theatre of war can enrich criminological discussion in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Marc Cools
Prof. Marc Cools is professor in de vakgroep criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel en in de vakgroep strafrecht en criminologie aan de Universiteit Gent. E-mail:,

De strafrechtelijke bescherming van jongeren tegen seksuele contactlegging

Trefwoorden teenagers, sexual activities, legal protection, criminal law, discourse analysis
Auteurs Juul Gooren

    Teenagers between twelve and eighteen years of age are protected by Dutch criminal law against sexual encounters that can be described as ‘voluntarily’. If teenagers are approached without force or approach a person themselves autonomously they are thus protected against such contact, but they could have played a sexual active role nevertheless. How do the alleged offenders in these criminal cases make contact and how are the punishable interactions possible considering the facilitative role of the victim? This paper will deal with the way the officials of the police and justice departments value sexual contacts with youngsters in a diverse range of settings. The crucial question is how the professionals dealing with the protection of youngsters and at the same time safeguarding the legal rights of offenders come to their juridical deliberation.

Juul Gooren
Mr. drs. Juul Gooren is docent/onderzoeker aan de Haagse Hogeschool, Academie voor Bestuur, Recht en Veiligheid, opleiding Integrale Veiligheid. E-mail:

Van overlastmelding naar een globale typering van problematische jeugdgroepen: de shortlist als quickscan

Trefwoorden shortlist, Beke, teenagers causing trouble, youth groups, youth group inventory, youth group causing trouble, criminal youth group
Auteurs Paul Harland

    The ‘Shortlist troublesome youth groups’ is a compact survey that enables police-officers to categorize problematic youth groups on a general level. The ‘shortlist’ results in three categories. The least troublesome groups are labelled ‘annoying’, the more serious groups are referred to as ‘disturbing’ and the most serious ones are called ‘criminal’ youth groups. As a quick scan, the shortlist tool has originally been developed in order to prevent criminalization of youth. It has now become a compulsorily used instrument for all 25 police services in the Netherlands. The shortlist is seen as the central starting point that should ultimately lead to the implementation of multidisciplinary interventions to tackle the specific problems that the youth groups cause.This article briefly discusses the highly subjective judgements of perceptions of disorder in society. Against this background this article describes the aim, the benefits and limits to the use of the shortlist. This analysis is based on fifteen years of experience with the annual listing of troublesome youth groups by means of the shortlist at the Haaglanden police service.This contribution concludes that the shortlist is a useful instrument that enables police officers to efficiently categorize problematic youth groups. Several changes by the Haaglanden police service with regard to the content as well as to the procedure further optimized the use of the shortlist. However, its global characteristic hampers evaluation of local safety interventions on the group. Also, comparisons of results between police services are not possible just like that. For those purposes (evaluations and comparisons) additional, i.e. more detailed information on the groups are to be gathered. The shortlist-methodology consists of further steps that include more in-depth analyses.Having said this, the shortlist is a valuable quick scan tool that enables professionals to swiftly categorize problematic youth groups.

Paul Harland
Dr. Paul Harland is senior onderzoeker bij de Politie Haaglanden, afdeling Analyse & Research (Staf Korpsdirectie). E-mail:

Meer over de kosten en baten van het openbare brandmeldsysteem

Een reactie op het artikel ‘Openbaar brandmeldsysteem: historie, kosten en opbrengst’ in TvV 2010/4 door De Wit & Helsloot

Trefwoorden discussion, fire alarm system
Auteurs Frank van Boven

    In this article the author debates the subject fire alarm system.

Frank van Boven
Ir. Frank van Boven is beleidsmedewerker bij de gemeente Capelle aan den IJssel en freelance onderzoeker. E-mail:

Reactie op ‘Meer over de kosten en baten van het openbare brandmeldsysteem’

Trefwoorden discussion, fire alarm system
Auteurs Ron de Wit en Ira Helsloot

    In this article the authors debate the subject fire alarm system.

Ron de Wit
Ir. Ron de Wit is brandweerofficier en plaatsvervangend regionaal commandant brandweer in de veiligheidsregio Twente. Daarnaast is hij onderzoeker bij crisislab aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. E-mail:

Ira Helsloot
Prof. dr. Ira Helsloot is hoogleraar crisisbeheersing en fysieke veiligheid aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. E-mail:

Idealen op drift

Trefwoorden book review, radical youth
Auteurs Pinar Okur

    In this contribution the author reviews: Idealen op drift. Een pedagogische kijk op radicaliserende jongeren, by M. van San, S. Sieckelink & M. de Winter.

Pinar Okur
Pinar Okur (MA MSc) is als promovenda verbonden aan INTERVICT, Universiteit van Tilburg. E-mail:

Stevig en nuchter

Trefwoorden book review, police work
Auteurs Ronald van Steden

    In this contribution the author reviews: Politiewerk aan de basis: stevig en nuchter, by Edward J. van der Torre.

Ronald van Steden
Dr. Ronald van Steden is universitair docent aan de afdeling bestuurswetenschappen van de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. E-mail:

Cybercrime in Nederland: gewone mensen die elkaar dwarszitten

Trefwoorden book review, cybercrime
Auteurs Rudie Neve

    In this contribution the author reviews: Verkenning cybercrime in Nederland 2009, by E.R. Leukfeldt, M.M.L. Domenie & W.Ph. Stol.

Rudie Neve
Dr. Rudie Neve is senior onderzoeker bij het Team Strategische Analyse van de KLPD, Dienst IPOL. E-mail: