Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Participatie in het jeugdstrafrecht: in hoeverre ervaren jongeren procedurele rechtvaardigheid?

Trefwoorden youth criminal law, youth criminal process, fair trial, children’s rights, information
Auteurs Stephanie Rap

Stephanie Rap
Dr. S.E. Rap is universitair docent Forensische Orthopedagogiek aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Participation of young suspects in the youth justice process is receiving increased attention. This article discusses two perspectives on participation. First, participation is interpreted in light of the right to a fair trial, as enshrined in international child and human rights standards. Second, participation is interpreted from the concept of procedural justice. The central research question is to what extent do young people imprisoned in a juvenile correctional facility experience procedural justice during the youth justice process? The results show that respondents experience a low level of procedural justice and that improvements in the youth justice process are possible in the areas of information provision and interaction between the different actors in the courtroom.

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