In the United States, the term disproportionate minority contact (DMC) is used to refer to the disproportionate number of minority youth who come into contact with the juvenile justice system. Statistics on DMC in the United States put the issue on the political agenda and measures have been taken to reduce the inequality. In the Netherlands, there are some studies on the representation of ethnic minority groups in suspect statistics, but data regarding all ethnic groups at various stages of the juvenile justice chain are lacking. Due to this lack of information, DMC is not mentioned in Dutch research literature and is not a political issue. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to explore whether DMC existed in the Netherlands and whether elements of the US policy could be applied to the Dutch situation. To investigate this, the likelihood (odds ratio (OR)) was calculated for young people with a migration background to be registered and held as a suspect, to participate in an alternative punishment program (Halt) and their likelihood of incarceration. It turned out that the OR for young people with a non-Western migration background to be registered as a suspect was more than three times as high, with an OR of 5 or higher for some ethnic groups. The chances of a Halt-settlement were much lower for young people with a non-Western background. The odds of ending up in a youth prison was over six times higher for youngsters with a non-Western background compared to their Dutch native peers. For young people of Caribbean and Moroccan origin the likelihood was more than ten times higher. These results showed that DMC is present at all examined stages in the Dutch juvenile justice chain. The large overrepresentation of young people with a migration background (especially of Moroccan and Caribbean origin) shows that further research is needed in order to develop programs to reduce DMC. To establish this, it is important to register the ethnic origin of the individuals at all stages of the juvenile justice chain. |
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie
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Artikel |
Oververtegenwoordiging van jongeren met een migratieachtergrond in de strafrechtketen |
Trefwoorden | disproportionate minority contact, DMC, juvenile justice, ethnicity, adolescents |
Auteurs | Dr. Albert Boon, Melissa van Dorp MSc en Drs. Sjouk de Boer |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Een bijzondere groep daders: vrouwelijke langgestraften na afloop van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Nederland |
Trefwoorden | female, perpetrators, World War II, empirical study, criminal career |
Auteurs | Drs. Jantien Stuifbergen MSc |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Early literature on female perpetrators of World War II focused on labelling the accused as deranged psychopaths, thereby distinguishing the group of perpetrators from the vast subdued and ‘normal’ population. While this perception has changed over the past decades, the perception of female perpetrators has remained limited either way, women are denied having a lot of agency when perpetrating crimes in conflict. Similar to the ‘mad Nazi’-theory these narratives imply that female perpetrators are different from ‘ordinary’ women, as their actions collide with notions of ideal femininity. This empirical research has shown that in the case of female perpetrators of World War II in the Netherlands it seems that they can be seen as ordinary women operating in extraordinary circumstances. In this study, a special group of female war criminals is described. Against the background of early post-war imaging of such women and more recent research on female perpetration during wartime, an analysis of Dutch perpetrators who received severe punishments after the War, is made. Based on unique historical data, the criminal career of these women as World War II perpetrators is analysed. The outcomes show that a notable part already had a criminal record before the war and that the perception of who they were and why they acted the way they did needs reconsideration, since they were not psychologically weak and incompetent. They were generally young, unemployed and low educated and they planned and committed their crimes of treasons in order to create better living conditions for themselves. In fact, one can claim that these women are likely to be ordinary people influenced by dispositional and situational factors. |
Artikel |
Overnachten in een politiecelEen onderzoek naar het psychisch welzijn en slaapproblemen van verdachten |
Trefwoorden | police detention centres, police suspects, psychological wellbeing, sleep problems, environmental psychology |
Auteurs | Koen Geijsen MSc, Dr. Nicolien Kop en Prof. dr. Corine de Ruiter |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This study explores the influence of police detention centres environments on police suspects’ psychological wellbeing and sleep problems. Results showed that suspects detained in a police cell experience a decreased psychological wellbeing, that they sleep poorly, and that their psychological wellbeing is related to sleep problems. Implications for police detention in relation to suspects’ psychological wellbeing and sleep problems, as well as directions for future research on police detention centre environments, are discussed. |
Artikel |
Het verloop van de partnerrelaties van gedetineerden tijdens en na detentie |
Trefwoorden | detention, partnerships, relationship quality, longitudinal |
Auteurs | Anne Brons MSc, Prof. dr. Paul Nieuwbeerta en Dr. Anja Dirkzwager |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In the current criminological literature surprisingly little is known about the development of partnerships of detainees during and after detention. In particular, it is unknown to what extent existing differences in the relationship quality at the start of the detention period continue. Therefore, this study examined how the partnerships of detainees developed by using data from the Prison Project. This is a longitudinal study in which 747 detainees with a partner were interviewed at various moments during detention and six months after detention. The results show that bad partnerships at the beginning of detention remain in general bad or end during and/or after detention, while the average to good relationships remain the same. |
Onderzoeksnotities |
Verschillen in steekproeven verkregen via offline en online afnamemodi binnen de context van zelfrapportageonderzoek naar jeugddelinquentie |
Trefwoorden | juvenile delinquency, mode, CAWI, CAPI/CASI, self-report |
Auteurs | Dr. Marinus Beerthuizen, Prof. dr. Barry Schouten, Dr. Josja Rokven e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article examines whether samples obtained through offline and online modes, within the context of juvenile delinquency research, differ from one another, when in principle the same population of youths could be reached. Youths participating through a computer-assisted web interviewing mode (CAWI) report less delinquent behaviour, fewer risk factors for delinquency, and exhibit a lower prevalence in police registration, compared to youths participating through a mixed computer-assisted personal interviewing and computer-assisted self-interviewing mode (CAPI/CASI). |
Kroniek |
Het adolescentenstrafrecht in Nederland: de stand van zaken vier jaar na invoering van de Wet adolescentenstrafrechtKroniek van het jeugdrecht |
Trefwoorden | Youth justice – Jeugdstrafrecht, Adolescence – Adolescentie, Young adults – Jongvolwassenen, Age limits – Leeftijdsgrenzen, Judicial decision-making – Rechterlijke besluitvorming |
Auteurs | Prof. mr. Ton Liefaard en Dr. Stephanie Rap |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
On 1 April 2014, the Dutch Act on Adolescent Criminal Law entered into force. With this law, the age limit in article 77c of the Criminal Code, which allows for the application of juvenile criminal law to young adults, was stretched from 21 to 23 years. In this article stock is taken of the developments that have taken place in the four years after the introduction of this law. In practice, article 77c Criminal Code is increasingly being applied in case of young adult suspects, however still to a little extent. Among others, this has to do with confusion about the target group that qualifies for the adolescent criminal law. The access to and justification for the application of the law show a very diverse picture. |
Boekbespreking |
Objectieve versus subjectieve zwaarte van detentie |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Miranda Boone |
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Boekbespreking |
Officieren van justitie in de 21e eeuw |
Auteurs | Prof. mr. Hans de Doelder |
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Boekbespreking |
Reserve-onderdelenInzichten in de orgaanhandel en een pleidooi voor de vermarkting van orgaandonatie |
Auteurs | Dr. Michelle Habets |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Over de noodzaak van reflectie op het Nederlandse prostitutiebeleid |
Auteurs | Dr. Brenda Oude Breuil |
Auteursinformatie |