That criminal networks are active in the illegal exploitation of timber is increasingly acknowledged. The degree of organization of these networks, and the way in which they use (threats of) violence and corruption, is less known. This article describes and analyses, on the basis of various, including local, sources, how organized criminal groups in the Amazon rainforest illegally harvest trees which they sell on the (international) market and how they try to stay immune from the law by using threats, violence, fraud and corruption. This article also discusses the first results of a three-year pilot (2014-2017) of community-based forest monitoring and protection with waterproof GPS-camera’s, developed with communities and with support of the Brazilian Public Prosecutor’s Office. |
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie
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Redactioneel |
Groene criminologie |
Auteurs | Dr. Daan van Uhm en Prof. dr. Toine Spapens |
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Artikel |
Georganiseerde houtcriminaliteit in de Braziliaanse Amazone |
Trefwoorden | criminal timber networks, community-based and situational forest crime prevention, Amazon rainforest, Brazil, Illegal logging |
Auteurs | Dr. Tim Boekhout van Solinge |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Wat ons gezegd wordt over kernenergieEen analyse van de ideologische strategieën in het discours van de Belgische nucleaire lobby en regering |
Trefwoorden | nuclear energy, ecological justice, discourse analysis, ideology, Lobbying |
Auteurs | Drs. Michelle Van Impe |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Nuclear energy is a controversial topic in Belgium and the government strives for a nuclear exit by 2025. However, there are few notable policy efforts which prepare the country for such a future. The framing of nuclear energy is crucial in the ongoing debate about its usage. In this article, the author analyses the discourse of the nuclear lobby and government through a green criminological lens. She compares the discourse with academic literature about nuclear energy and identifies ideological strategies via the analytical framework of Larrain (1983). |
Artikel |
Wildlife crime als een complex systeem: hoe agent-gebaseerde modellen gebruikt kunnen worden om stroperij te bestuderen en bestrijden |
Trefwoorden | wildlife crime, agent-based modeling, law enforcement, poaching, complex systems |
Auteurs | Jacob van der Ploeg MSc., Nick van Doormaal MSc., Dr. Michael Mäs e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Developing effective anti-poaching strategies is difficult because of complex interactions between animals, poachers, and rangers. This study shows the utility of agent-based models (ABM) for unraveling these interactions, and their underlying mechanisms, to identify relevant components for planning ranger operations. Here, two patrol strategies were simulated using an ABM for wildlife crime to quantify their effectiveness under different circumstances. The model showed border patrols to be more effective than search patrols in protecting both solitary and herd animals. Furthermore, the model suggests that rangers catch fewer poachers when patrols are overly focused on locations where poaching was detected previously. The study illustrates that disciplined model development and testing is required for useful conclusions to be drawn, from a fully understood ABM. |
Discussie |
Alle dieren tellen mee!Over non-speciesisme in de criminologie |
Trefwoorden | speciesism, animal rights, animal cruelty |
Auteurs | Dr. Janine Janssen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Criminology traditionally focuses on the human experience. However, several criminologists have seriously criticized this anthropocentric perspective. In their view from a criminological perspective humans and other than human animals should be given equal attention. Although they advocate a non-speciesist criminology, they are not trying to fundamentally change criminology as we know it. Instead, their appeal is to not consider other than human creatures as passive objects and solely from the perspective of their usefulness for humans. Yet, this objective poses substantial methodological challenges to criminologists. |
Artikel |
Naar een blauwe criminologie?Over illegale visserij, visfraude en criminologie |
Trefwoorden | illegal fishing, fish fraud, organization crime, green criminology, blue criminology |
Auteurs | Wim Huisman, Kees Camphuysen en Catrien Bijleveld |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Illegal (IUU) fishing is a relatively understudied area within criminology. In this article the authors briefly describe what IUU fishing entails, what is known about the consequences of such fishing, and will list law enforcement issues. They illustrate how illegal fishing can be organized in different ways, and will give some examples of fish fraud. The authors also discuss the (massive) measurement issues. The ecological impact of IUU fishing constitutes an important reason for more research into this phenomenon. |
Artikel |
Hier zit een luchtje aan. Over het wegwerken van afvalstoffen door co-vergisting |
Trefwoorden | Environmental crime, Crime script analysis, Green criminology, Waste |
Auteurs | Shanna Mehlbaum MSc. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Fermentation production processes for biofuel lead to sustainable energy, but the fermenters can also be used to dispose illegal wastes. Although it’s known that the fermentation business is susceptible for illegal behavior, so far little empirical research is carried out about the modus operandi and criminogenic factors. In this study a crime script analysis (CSA) is conducted to map the criminal process. This analysis shows that the true nature of the illegal waste is concealed by trading without or with falsified (transport) documents and illegal blending. Legal traders operate illegal and form the crucial connection between disposers and end receivers. Criminogenic factors, such as complexity of regulation and inspection, European policy differences and the lack of profitability of the fermenters, make the branch vulnerable for criminal behavior. Intervention options are formulated per phase of the criminal process and aim at prevention or increasing the chance being caught. |
Artikel |
Drie perspectieven op de illegale vogelhandel in Nederland |
Trefwoorden | green criminology, illicit trade in species of endangered birds, CITES convention |
Auteurs | Dr. Daan van Uhm en Prof. dr. Toine Spapens |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The Netherlands are considered as an important hub for the illicit trade in species of endangered birds protected by the CITES convention. In this article the authors analyze five substantial criminal cases from three different perspectives. First, from a criminal business perspective, the cases illustrate that logistics vary from relatively simple to highly complex, but always require in-depth knowledge of the animals as well as regulations, to be able to keep the birds alive to make a profit, and to smuggle them to the Netherlands, respectively. Second, from a network perspective, it is clear that those who are involved in the illicit trade – suppliers, traders and customers – are part of a closed and often long-lasting group of people who know the trade. Finally, from a green criminological perspective, the authors conclude that harms of the illicit trade in protected birds are mentioned only to a limited extent in court rulings, contrary to what one might expect based on social construction theories of criminalization and sentencing. |
Kroniek |
Politie en wetenschapDe Strategische Onderzoeksagenda voor de Politie 2015-2019 en de doorwerking van onderzoek |
Trefwoorden | police, Strategic Research Agenda for the Police |
Auteurs | Dr. Janine Janssen en Drs. Henk Huisjes |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This is the third chronicle on the relationship between police and science. This contribution focusses on the Strategic Research Agenda for the Police 2015-2019. For researchers who would like to do research for or with regard to the police, it is important to understand the functions of this agenda and it’s thematic priorities. Every four years the Research Agenda will be recalibrated under the authority of the minister of Justice and Security. A first evaluation is being prepared. The Research Agenda 2015-2019 underlines the importance of the transfer of research outcomes into police practice and police education. |
Boekbespreking |
‘Met mij gaat het goed, met ons gaat het slecht’: ook als het om de criminaliteit gaat |
Auteurs | Marnix Eysink Smeets |
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Boekbespreking |
Online boekbesprekingen |
Boekbespreking |
Uncovering the illegal wildlife trade: inside the world of poachers, smugglers and traders |
Auteurs | Dr. Andrew Lemieux |
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Boekbespreking |
Jihadistische netwerken in beweging |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Frank Weerman |
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Boekbespreking |
Over de relaties tussen migratie en slachtofferschap |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Richard Staring |
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Boekbespreking |
Juiste plaats, juiste tijd: waar en wanneer criminelen toeslaan |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Jan Rouwendal |
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