Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Harde-kernsupporters, gelegenheidsstructuren en georganiseerde criminaliteit

Trefwoorden hooliganism, organized crime, drugs trade, social opportunity, social embeddedness
Auteurs Bart Collard MSc en Prof. dr. Edward Kleemans

Bart Collard MSc
B.J. Collard MSc is inspecteur van de politie.

Prof. dr. Edward Kleemans
Prof. dr. E.R. Kleemans is hoogleraar Zware Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This paper describes the results of twelve criminal investigations into criminal activities of hardcore supporters of a Dutch soccer club. The information from these criminal investigations consists of among other 74,246 transcribed, wiretapped telephone conversations and 643 pages with transcribed, secretly recorded conversations in cars (between March 2009 and June 2013). The organization and execution of these criminal activities (particularly large-scale drugs trade and extortion) is described within the context of the daily activities of these hardcore supporters. This context consists of regularly visiting soccer games (in the Netherlands and abroad), bars and the supportershome, and the subculture of hooliganism. The results show a criminal group using the opportunity structures related to hooliganism for carrying out criminal activities.

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