Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Als vluchtelingen (mogelijk) daders zijn

1F-uitsluiting van de asielprocedure en vervolging van internationale misdrijven

Trefwoorden international crimes, asylum, exclusion, 1F, formal residence ban
Auteurs Dr. mr. Joris van Wijk

Dr. mr. Joris van Wijk
Dr. J. van Wijk is universitair docent criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, j.van.wijk@vu.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      The Netherlands pursues an active policy of excluding and prosecuting potential perpetrators of international crimes. In recent years hundreds of people have been excluded from taking part in the asylum procedure. Bringing cases to court, however, has proven to be very difficult in practice. Most excluded persons reside illegally in the Netherlands or elsewhere in Europe. A good overview of the grounds upon which persons have been excluded and with what types of crimes they are associated is currently lacking. The Netherlands – actually the international community as a whole – still struggles with a number of legal and ethical issues. International law, for example, does not provide an adequate solution for some convicted excluded asylum seekers after their release.

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