
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie

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Aflevering 4, 2011 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

De staat van de criminologie van internationale misdrijven

Trefwoorden criminology of international crimes, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity
Auteurs Mr. dr. Roelof Haveman, Prof. dr. Alette Smeulers, Prof. dr. Stephan Parmentier e.a.

    What do we know about the criminological aspects of international crimes? What do they entail and what are facilitating factors which can help us understand their causes and how should we respond to these crimes? Are international crimes merely a more extreme form of ordinary crimes or are they a different kind of criminality? In the past few years a growing number of scholars both at a national and at an international level have devoted their scholarly attention to this important and urgent research theme. In this special issue we aim to present a number of articles in which different perspectives on this topic are presented. By doing so we hope to enhance our knowledge of this phenomenon and to provide an impulse to further criminological research within this area in both the Netherlands and Belgium. This introductory article gives an overview of the state of the art of international crime criminology in the Netherlands and Belgium, and the rest of the world.

Mr. dr. Roelof Haveman
Mr. dr. R.H. Haveman is freelance Rule of Law-consultant en momenteel gestationeerd in Côte d’Ivoire,

Prof. dr. Alette Smeulers
Prof. dr. A.L. Smeulers heeft de onderzoekslijn criminologie van de internationale misdrijven aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam opgezet en is sinds 1 september 2011 tevens hoogleraar internationale criminologie aan de Universiteit van Tilburg,

Prof. dr. Stephan Parmentier
Prof. dr. S. Parmentier is hoogleraar Sociologie van de criminaliteit, het recht en de mensenrechten aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (LINC), Rechtsfaculteit, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

Dr. Christianne de Poot
Dr. C.J. de Poot is senior onderzoeker bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC), Den Haag, en Lector Forensisch Onderzoek bij de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Politieacademie,

Als vluchtelingen (mogelijk) daders zijn

1F-uitsluiting van de asielprocedure en vervolging van internationale misdrijven

Trefwoorden international crimes, asylum, exclusion, 1F, formal residence ban
Auteurs Dr. mr. Joris van Wijk

    The Netherlands pursues an active policy of excluding and prosecuting potential perpetrators of international crimes. In recent years hundreds of people have been excluded from taking part in the asylum procedure. Bringing cases to court, however, has proven to be very difficult in practice. Most excluded persons reside illegally in the Netherlands or elsewhere in Europe. A good overview of the grounds upon which persons have been excluded and with what types of crimes they are associated is currently lacking. The Netherlands – actually the international community as a whole – still struggles with a number of legal and ethical issues. International law, for example, does not provide an adequate solution for some convicted excluded asylum seekers after their release.

Dr. mr. Joris van Wijk
Dr. J. van Wijk is universitair docent criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,

Propaganda en paramilitairen

De normalisatie van geweld in het Servië van de jaren negentig

Trefwoorden state crime, Serbia, propaganda, paramilitary units, Arkan
Auteurs MSc Maartje Weerdesteijn en Prof. dr. Alette Smeulers

    During the 1990s the Serbian government entered into a symbiotic relationship with criminals and paramilitary units which led to a normalization of crime and violence. While society usually inhibits people from criminal behavior, in Serbia this process was reversed. Propaganda contained the neutralization techniques that allowed people to condone and even approve of violent and criminal behavior. The reversal of the moral order became part of Serbia’s popular culture in which criminals who had committed many atrocities during the war, like Arkan, were honored. In this way, Arkan served not only a military and strategic purpose but also a political one, by generating support for the war.

MSc Maartje Weerdesteijn
Drs. M. Weerdesteijn, MSc is docent binnen de master International Crimes and Criminology aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en junior onderzoeker voor het Amsterdam centre of the interdisciplinary research on international crimes and security (ACIC),

Prof. dr. Alette Smeulers
Prof. dr. A.L. Smeulers heeft de onderzoekslijn criminologie van de internationale misdrijven aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam opgezet en is sinds 1 september 2011 tevens hoogleraar internationale criminologie aan de Universiteit van Tilburg,

De paradox van de Duitse concentratiekampen

Een criminologische duiding van de ‘plantage’ in Dachau (1937-1945)

Trefwoorden Dachau concentration camp, practices of extermination, German economic interests, organizational criminology, Vaughan
Auteurs Kenneth Hemmerechts en Prof. dr. Stephan Parmentier

    During the Second World War, a large number of prisoners were put to work in concentration camps in order to contribute to the development of Germany. As this labour became more important in economic terms during the years 1939 to 1945, the death toll in the camps also rose during the same period. This contribution aims at providing insight into the apparent contradiction (paradox) between the practices of extermination on the one hand and the German economic interests on the other hand. Not only has historiography paid relatively little attention to this phenomenon (it is not a main topic), criminology has also remained remarkably silent during this debate. Looking at the ‘plantation’ in Dachau concentration camp (1937-1945) we develop an exploratory analysis of the subject. Using Vaughan’s organizational criminology, we discuss the paradox and address the question of the extent to which criminology can offer explanations for phenomena of this kind.

Kenneth Hemmerechts
K. Hemmerechts is wetenschappelijk medewerker bij het Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek (CESO), faculteit sociale wetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Arbeid en Organisatie,

Prof. dr. Stephan Parmentier
Prof. dr. S. Parmentier is hoogleraar Sociologie van de criminaliteit, het recht en de mensenrechten aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (LINC), Rechtsfaculteit, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

Kindsoldaten in conflictgebieden wereldwijd

Trefwoorden child soldiers
Auteurs Drs. MSc Jantien Stuifbergen

    In the current literature on child soldiers, many assumptions are made about the use of child soldiers worldwide. The duration of conflicts and thus increasing number of battle related deaths would influence the use of child soldiers. Another assumption is that child soldiers are mainly used in civil wars. In this article, these assumptions are tested empirically and the characteristics of conflicts in which child soldiers are used and conflicts in which they are not used are compared. However, conducting quantitative research on child soldiers is not easy. Many data are obtained through interviews and are based on unconfirmed reports and observations, which raises questions about how the data should be assessed. This study is an explorative study into the possibilities of testing some of the current assumptions.

Drs. MSc Jantien Stuifbergen
Drs. J.A.M. Stuifbergen, MSc is docent/onderzoeker aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Afdeling Strafrecht en Criminologie, Master International Crimes and Criminology,

Een victimologisch perspectief op het internationale strafrecht

Trefwoorden international crimes, victimology, (international) criminal justice, victims’ rights
Auteurs Dr. Antony Pemberton, Prof. mr. dr. Rianne Letschert, Dr. mr. Anne-Marie de Brouwer e.a.

    This article develops a victimological perspective on international criminal justice, based on a review of the main victimological characteristics of international crimes. These include the complicity or active involvement of government agencies, the large numbers of victims and the peculiar position of international crime victims who, at the time the crimes are committed, are usually not viewed as victims by the perpetrators, but placed outside the moral sphere or even depicted as perpetrators rather than victims.Key elements of this perspective concern the external coherence of the criminal justice reaction - the interlinking of criminal justice with other reparative efforts - as well as its internal coherence - the extent to which the procedures of international criminal justice are aligned with what it realistically can and should achieve. With internal coherence in mind, the article examines the victimological findings relating to the main rights of victims in the criminal procedure (recognition/acknowledgement, information/participation and compensation/reparation) and subsequently analyzes how the specifics of international crimes moderate them.

Dr. Antony Pemberton
Dr. A. Pemberton is associate professor of victimology aan het International Victimology Institute Tilburg van Tilburg University,

Prof. mr. dr. Rianne Letschert
Prof. mr. dr. R.M. Letschert is professor of victimology and international law aan het International Victimology Institute Tilburg van Tilburg University,

Dr. mr. Anne-Marie de Brouwer
Dr. mr. A.-M. de Brouwer is associate professor of international criminal law aan het Department of Criminal Law van Tilburg University,

Mr. dr. Roelof Haveman
Mr. dr. R.H. Haveman is freelance Rule of Law Consultant, momenteel gestationeerd in Côte d’Ivoire,

Strafrechtelijke vervolging van Joegoslavische oorlogsmisdadigers

Trefwoorden Yugoslavia, war criminals, book review
Auteurs Dr. Guus Meershoek

    In this contribution the author reviews De aanklager by F. de Vlaming..

Dr. Guus Meershoek
Dr. A.J.J. Meershoek is universitair docent Maatschappelijke Veiligheidszorg aan de Universiteit Twente en lector Politiegeschiedenis aan de Politieacademie,

Public support for vigilantism

Trefwoorden vigilantism, book review
Auteurs Dr. Klaas Rozemond

    In this contribution the author reviews Public support for vigilantism by N.E. Haas.

Dr. Klaas Rozemond
Dr. N. Rozemond is universitair hoofddocent, afdeling strafrecht en criminologie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
