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Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Kafkaësk algoritmisch bestuur

Het toeslagenschandaal en de rol van irrationaliteit in de ­gemechaniseerde fraudejacht

Trefwoorden algoritmisch bestuur, irrationaliteit, McDonaldization, fetisjisme
Auteurs Ringo Ossewaarde

Ringo Ossewaarde
Ringo Ossewaarde is universitair hoofddocent bestuur, samenleving en technologie verbonden aan de vakgroep bestuurskunde van de Universiteit Twente.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch childcare benefits scandal – the Dutch tax authority used doubtful algorithms to catch suspected benefits fraud – can be understand as an expression of irrationality that manifests itself in the political, bureaucratic and technological context of algorithmic governance. The aim of this essay to critically discuss the nature of the bureaucratic processes of algorithmic governance and the irrationality that is intermingled with such processes. This essay shows that bureaucratic processes of algorithmic governance are marked by an inherent irrationality. The Dutch childcare benefits scandal provides a case that reveals a dark, Kafkaesque irrationality in the operations of the tax authority.

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