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Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


McDonaldisering in de Nederlandse straf­rechtspraak

De strafzaak als Big Mac en het belang van tegenwicht door de rechter

Trefwoorden McDonaldisering, strafrechtspraak, efficiëntie, berekenbaarheid, voorspelbaarheid
Auteurs Sophie Mommers

Sophie Mommers
Sophie Mommers is docent en onderzoeker bij de sectie Strafrecht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Processes of McDonaldization can be observed in almost all aspects of our lives. This contribution examines how the tendency towards standardization in the Dutch criminal justice system can be understood on the basis of the four central dimensions of McDonaldization distinguished by George Ritzer: efficiency, calculability, predictability and control. A policy analysis of public documents from the judiciary shows that all four dimensions of McDonaldization are present in the policy of the judiciary. With this standardization trend, criminal cases can be settled (more) quickly, but it also poses risks for the judiciary, suspects and judges. These risks are recognized and more attention has been paid to quality, tailor-made work and a wider scope for assessment by judges within the policies. It remains to be seen whether these counter-policies can actually provide sufficient counterweight in practice.

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