
Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

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Aflevering 4, 2020 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Het spanningsveld tussen regels en ruimte: een onderzoek naar taakgerelateerd ongeoorloofd handelen binnen de Nederlandse politie

Trefwoorden taakgerelateerd ongeoorloofd handelen, noble cause corruption, politie, leiderschap, ethiek
Auteurs Robin Christiaan van Halderen en Benjamin Rafaël van Gelderen

    The aim of the present research was to gain insight into the topic of ‘task-related rule-breaking behavior’ (TRB) among Dutch police officers. TRB is a more refined alternative for the concept of noble cause corruption and has been defined as: police officers breaking rules or formal agreements for the purpose of acting in a manner that contributes to the lawful police task. Qualitative research has been conducted within one of the ten regional police forces in the Netherlands. Results show that TRB appears to be a relatively common phenomenon during policework. Behaviors are categorized in sixteen categories and five overarching outlines. In addition, attention is given to several important factors that could be related to TRB being distinguishable between police officers’ individual responsibility and organizational factors. To handle TRB, it is recommended to pay attention to the police officers’ approach of judging and rationalizing their own behavior, their level of knowledge, and social skills. Furthermore, organizational structure (i.e., spam of control) and police leadership may, among other factors, play an important role in encouraging TRB. Especially the way supervisors deal with police officers’ professional autonomy needs specific attention in order to reduce TRB. Autonomy needs guidance in the form of clear orders followed by feedback and coaching. Also, an active form of ethical leadership is needed. An action framework is presented that could be helpful to supervisors to judge and thereby reduce forms of TRB.

Robin Christiaan van Halderen
Robin Christiaan van Halderen is werkzaam bij het Expertisecentrum Veiligheid van Avans Hogeschool te 's-Hertogenbosch.

Benjamin Rafaël van Gelderen
Benjamin Rafaël van Gelderen is Sectorhoofd Politie van de Eenheid Limburg, District Noord- en Midden-Limburg.

De relatie tussen huiselijk geweld en betrokkenheid bij 1%motorclubs

(Ex-)partners van leden van 1%motorclubs in de (vrouwen)opvang

Trefwoorden huiselijk geweld, 1%mc, outlaw motorcycle gang, OMG, vrouwenopvang
Auteurs Nanne Vosters en Janine Janssen

    Little is known about (former) partners of 1%motorcycle club members. Social professionals working with victims of domestic violence in shelters have regular encounters with these mostly female (ex-)partners. In this exploratory contribution we wonder what is known about domestic violence amongst people with (ex-)partners of 1%motorcycle club members and the consequences of the involvement of a motorcycle club for tackling this violence. Based on thirteen semi-structured interviews with social professionals working in a shelter, external professionals and (ex-)partners, the link between domestic violence and membership of a motorcycle club could not be verified. What this research does show is that safety is the number one priority in working with these (ex-)partners. Furthermore, it shows how complex it is to assess the seriousness of potential threat coming from these 1%motorcyle clubs. Further research on domestic violence in environments associated with organised crime and the cooperation between the judiciary system and social professionals is needed to improve safety and wellbeing for this specific group.

Nanne Vosters
Nanne Vosters is als docent verbonden aan de deeltijdopleiding Social Work van Avans Hogeschool en als onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Veiligheid in Afhankelijkheidsrelaties van Avans Hogeschool.

Janine Janssen
Janine Janssen is hoofd onderzoek van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Eergerelateerd Geweld van de Nationale Politie, lector Veiligheid in Afhankelijkheidsrelaties aan Avans Hogeschool en bijzonder hoogleraar Rechtsantropologie aan de Open Universiteit.

Boulevard Zuid in Rotterdam: een onderzoek naar het vertrouwen van winkeliers in politie en gemeente

Trefwoorden shopkeepers, procedural justice, the Netherlands, ethnic minorities, performance theory
Auteurs Marc Schuilenburg, Laura Messie en Darnell de Vries

    In this article, we analyze which aspects of performance theory and the procedural justice-based model are explaining the trust of shopkeepers in the police and local government. Utilizing a survey of 156 shopkeepers and 94 semi-constructed interviews with shopkeepers, which are located at the South Shopping Boulevard in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), the study finds that shopkeepers have a relatively high trust in the police and local government. This is surprising because various attempts in the past 30 years to revive the high street by the government have failed to improve its bad image, as dwindling visitor numbers, poor turnover, limited range of retailers, empty shops and high crime and offence levels show only too plainly. The findings also highlight that ethnic minority respondents have more trust in local government than Dutch shopkeepers. The explanation therefor is sought in the dual frame of reference theory.

Marc Schuilenburg
Marc Schuilenburg is universitair docent Strafrecht en Criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Laura Messie
Laura Messie, MSc was ten tijde van het initiële onderzoek masterstudente aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Darnell de Vries
Darnell de Vries, MSc was ten tijde van het initiële onderzoek masterstudente aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

De burgemeester als ‘sheriff’ in de aanpak van ondermijnende misdaad: op weg naar een wettelijke grondslag?

Trefwoorden burgemeester, ondermijning, openbare orde, georganiseerde criminaliteit
Auteurs Benny van der Vorm en Petrus C. van Duyne

    Traditionally, the mayor has an important role as a citizen’s father and as a maintainer of public order. In the context of the so-called ‘undermining’ criminality, the mayor has been increasingly empowered with new legal instruments to combat undermining criminality. Some mayors see themselves as a sheriff. However, in the Dutch Municipal Act, the mayor only has a task of maintaining the public order. How does this task relate to combating undermining criminality? What is the role of the mayor in the combat of undermining criminality? Nowadays, there is no legal basis in the Dutch Municipal Act to equip the mayor with crime-fighting duties. This article proposes to equip the mayor with a legal duty as a crime fighter.

Benny van der Vorm
Benny van der Vorm is universitair docent straf(proces)recht en is verbonden aan het Montaigne Centrum voor Rechtsstaat en Rechtspleging en het Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtswetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht.

Petrus C. van Duyne
Petrus C. van Duyne is emeritus hoogleraar Empirische aspecten van de strafrechtspleging aan de Universiteit van Tilburg.

Call for papers

Themanummer ‘Big data-toepassingen bij de politie’ (2021/4)