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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


De samenhang tussen fysieke en sociale veiligheid in theorie en praktijk

Trefwoorden safety, security, disciplinary boundaries, multidisciplinary collaboration, networked coordination
Auteurs Hanneke Duijnhoven, Kim van Buul-Besseling en Nathalie Vink

Hanneke Duijnhoven
Hanneke Duijnhoven is consultant bij TNO.

Kim van Buul-Besseling
Kim van Buul-Besseling is consultant bij TNO.

Nathalie Vink
Nathalie Vink is consultant bij TNO.
  • Samenvatting

      This article discusses the complex relations between the organizational fields of safety (i.e. disaster and crisis response) and security (i.e. crime prevention and public order), and the ways in which disciplinary and organizational boundaries make it difficult to come to a better integration or coordination in the safety and security domain. Based on results of a research project on cooperation and information-sharing between organizations in the fields of safety and security, the authors argue that it is not realistic to refer to safety and security as relatively independent fields. Instead, it would be more useful to approach it as a connected domain, encompassing both safety and security disciplines. Yet, the separation of the two fields is strongly embedded in the culture and responsibilities of organizations in these fields, which reinforces the disciplinary boundaries in the domain. Nevertheless, in the last few years it seems that there is an increasing recognition of the need for multidisciplinary collaboration in the safety and security domain. This paper explores possible directions for creating more coherence and integration in the safety and security domain. The authors believe that much progress can be made if key stakeholders in the safety and security domain are able to adopt a broader, multidisciplinary perspective when approaching safety and security events.

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