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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


Veiliger door de buurtwacht?

Over de veiligheidsbeleving van burgerparticipanten en het belang ervan voor lokaal veiligheidsbeleid

Trefwoorden neighbourhood watch, citizen participation, fear of crime, safety perception, local safety policy
Auteurs Gwen van Eijk

Gwen van Eijk
Dr. Gwen van Eijk is universitair docent Criminologie, Instituut voor Strafrecht en Criminologie, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Universiteit Leiden, Postbus 9520, 2300 RA Leiden E-mail:
  • Samenvatting

      This article examines the safety perception of citizen participants in neighbourhood watches. Two questions are central: to what extent is it correct to assume that participation increases feelings of safety, and what is the role of measuring safety perceptions in local safety policy? In-depth interviews with 21 participants in The Hague show that participation changes perceptions of safety both positively and negatively, which is related to contacts with other residents, the information they receive about safety and crime problems, and experienced effectiveness in solving problems. Participation seems to result rather in a more nuanced perception of safety. The article ends with a discussion on the value of a detailed insight into the perception of safety for local safety policies.

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