
Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

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Aflevering 4, 2010 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Forensisch-medische expertise voor slachtoffers van huiselijk geweld

Hoe werken politie en forensische artsen samen?

Trefwoorden huiselijk geweld, forensische geneeskunde, medische verklaringen, letselverklaring
Auteurs Tina Dorn, Manon Ceelen, Olga Boeij e.a.

    In the Netherlands, police can request a physical examination of victims of domestic violence. These examinations can be either carried out by the physician who has treated the victim, or, alternatively, by a forensic physician. From a medico-legal point of view, an examination by a forensic physician has several advantages, as forensic physicians are independent and trained in examining victims of violence and reporting to the police. The aim of the current study was to (1) describe the structure of forensic services for victims of domestic violence in the Netherlands, (2) establish with whom the police request physical examinations of victims (forensic physician vs. physicians who have treated the victim), (3) explore the underlying reasons for the choice made and (4) elaborate how the current cooperation of police and forensic physicians can be improved in favour of victims of domestic violence. For this purpose, interviews were carried out with police professionals and forensic physicians throughout the country. The results demonstrated that victims can access forensic services almost exclusively on referral by the police. Furthermore, the police in most cases request physical examinations from physicians who have treated the victim and not from forensic physicians. Reasons for referring victims to treating physicians instead of forensic physicians are costs and lack of information on forensic services. Reports provided by treating physicians are criticized by the police for being illegible, incomprehensible, and lacking information on aspects which are of importance for the legal procedure. In short, the legal position of victims could be strengthened by requesting physical examinations from forensic physicians instead from treating physicians. A major obstacle to change is a lack of funding. Furthermore, forensic services for victims of domestic violence in the Netherlands could be improved if victims could access forensic services without referral of the police.

Tina Dorn
Dr. Tina Dorn is onderzoeker, afdeling Epidemiologie, Documentatie en Gezondheidsbevordering, GGD Amsterdam. Contactadres: GGD Amsterdam, afd. EDG, Postbus 2200, 1000 CE Amsterdam. Tel. 020-5555911. E-mail:

Manon Ceelen
Dr. Manon Ceelen is onderzoeker, afdeling Epidemiologie, Documentatie en Gezondheidsbevordering, GGD Amsterdam.

Olga Boeij
Dr. Olga Boeij is onderzoeker, afdeling Epidemiologie, Documentatie en Gezondheidsbevordering, GGD Amsterdam.

Kees Das
Dr. Kees Das is hoofd afdeling Forensische Geneeskunde, GGD Amsterdam.

Mariëtte Christophe
Mariëtte Christophe is programmaleider, Landelijk Programmabureau Huiselijk Geweld en de Politietaak.

Gekocht, maar niet gekregen

Slachtofferschap van online oplichting nader onderzocht

Trefwoorden Online oplichting, Slachtofferschap, Slachtofferenquête, Lage zelfcontrole
Auteurs Johan van Wilsem

    Consumer fraud seems to be widespread, yet little research is devoted to understanding why certain social groups are more vulnerable to this type of victimization than others. The present paper deals with internet consumer fraud victimization, and uses an explanatory model that combines insights from self control theory and routine activity theory. The results from large-scale victimization survey data among the Dutch general population (N=6,201) reveal that people with low self-control run substantially higher victimization risk, as well as people performing ‘risky’ routine activities, such as online shopping and participation in online forums. Though a minority share of the self-control-victimization link is indirect – because people with low self-control are more involved in risk-enhancing routine activities – a large direct effect on internet fraud victimization remains. This suggests that, within similar situations, people with poor impulse control respond differently to deceptive online commercial offers.

Johan van Wilsem
Dr. Johan van Wilsem is werkzaam als universitair docent Criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden, Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie. Contactadres: postbus 9520, 2300 RA Leiden. Tel. 071-5277418. E-mail:

Openbaar brandmeldsysteem: historie, kosten en opbrengst

Onderzoek naar historie, kosten en opbrengst van het openbaar brandmeldsysteem in de veiligheidsregio Twente

Trefwoorden Brandmelding, Kosten-baten analyse, Veiligheidsopbrengst, Openbaar meldsysteem, Incidentrapporten
Auteurs Ron de Wit en Ira Helsloot

    The Netherlands fire safety regulations require certain types of buildings to have a direct connection between the building fire alarm system and the dispatch centre of the fire brigade. These automatic fire alarm systems are mandatory for example in premises where inhabitants such as small children or elderly people have limited self-evacuation capabilites in case of fire. These automatic fire alarms aim at saving lives by a faster response of the fire brigade. However, the fast majority of these automatic alarms are false. As a result these calls constitute a considerable and undesirable drain on the fire brigade resources. These calls cause unwanted direct costs (salaries) and indirect costs (road accidents due to fire brigade mobilisation) apart from the regular maintenance costs. Up to now no data is available for the costs and benefits of the system of automatic fire alarms. This article describes the results of a study of the automatic fire alarm system in the region Twente. The yearly social costs are calculated at about € 3 million. In order to calculate the benefits all incident reports from automatic fire alarms during a period of 29 months have been investigated. In this period no call form an automatic fire alarm system has occured in which the fire brigade had to deploy its resources for a live saving or evacuation action.

Ron de Wit
Ir. Ron de Wit is brandweerofficier en plaatsvervangend regionaal commandant brandweer in de veiligheidsregio Twente. Daarnaast is hij onderzoeker bij crisislab aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Contactadres: R.A.C. de Wit, Lansinkweg 33, 7553 AG Hengelo. E-mail:

Ira Helsloot
Prof. dr. Ira Helsloot is hoogleraar crisisbeheersing en fysieke veiligheid aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.

Downloaders van kinderporno

Een overzicht van de literatuur

Trefwoorden Kinderporno, Downloaden, Zedencriminaliteit, Literatuurstudie
Auteurs Anton van Wijk

    Unlike the physical abusers of children, little is known about downloaders of child pornography. The key questions in this article are: who are the downloaders, what are their backgrounds, why and how they download child pornography, how they behave offline and online and what types of downloaders can be distinguished? A simple answer to these questions is currently impossible to give. There is more, preferably longitudinal, research needed on risk factors for downloading child pornography and the various types of downloaders. Combating the downloaders requires a lot of the police in terms of international cooperation and up to date knowledge and expertise. This also served the treatment practices, which is partly dependent on a properly conducted police investigation.

Anton van Wijk
Dr. mr. A.Ph. van Wijk is criminoloog en directeur van Bureau Beke. E-mail:

De veranderende rol van de burgemeester

Trefwoorden Burgemeester
Auteurs Arnt Mein

Arnt Mein
Mr. Arnt Mein is als onderzoeker werkzaam bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (sectie criminologie). Contactadres: Kromme Nieuwegracht 6, 3512 HG Utrecht. E-mail:

Tom Daems
Dr. Tom Daems is postdoctoraal onderzoeker Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO), Instituut voor Strafrecht en Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (LINC), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, België. E-mail: