Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Burenbemiddeling in Leuven

Werken met vrijwilligers

Trefwoorden Neighbourhood mediation, Restorative justice, Prevention, Autonomous action
Auteurs Jana Nickmans en Myra Hoeven

Jana Nickmans
Jana Nickmans is werkzaam bij de Preventiedienst van de Stad Leuven.

Myra Hoeven
Myra Hoeven is werkzaam bij de Preventiedienst van de Stad Leuven.
  • Samenvatting

      In 2008 the prevention office of Leuven started the project ‘neighbour mediation’. Also in Flanders mediation is done by volunteers. The authors stress that mediating conflicts is difficult and demands a lot of energy. Regularly volunteers quit so continuous recruitment is necessary. The volunteers have an added value, not only for the project, but also for neighbours. The insights, life experience and engagement of individual volunteers cause residents to feel good in their proximity. They build bridges, incite residents to reflect, help people to communicate respectfully with each other, stimulate social contacts. In one formula, their attitude mirrors itself in the larger society.

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