Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Online veiligheid voorop

Door kinderen voorgestelde ontwerpoplossingen voor het waarborgen van hun digitale kinderrecht op bescherming tegen online seksuele uitbuiting

Trefwoorden online sexual exploitation, children’s rights, social media, safety online, child participation
Auteurs Eva Notté, Charlotte Tierolf, Nathalie Meurens en Jean Elphick

Eva Notté
E.N. Notté MSc is senior technisch adviseur en onderzoeker bij Terre des Hommes Nederland.

Charlotte Tierolf
C.T. Tierolf BSc is onderzoeksstagiair bij Terre des Hommes Nederland.

Nathalie Meurens
N.M. Meurens LLM, MIA leidt de EU-advocacy bij Terre des Hommes Nederland.

Jean Elphick
Dr. J.E. Elphick is hoofd van Research, Expertise en Influencing bij Terre des Hommes Nederland.
  • Samenvatting

      Qualitative research about global perspectives on online sexual exploitation of children is scarce, while literature suggests that many children are exposed to this form of crime. With qualitative data from 173 children from ten countries in Asia, Europe and Latin-America, this research highlights the perspectives of children on this phenomenon and confirms that children are exposed to many risks. Children shared concrete ideas to enhance their safety online. These are valuable insights for effective online safety measures that should encourage companies and policymakers to integrate child participation in their design processes structurally.

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