This article focuses on the ways the NVU, Pegida and Voorpost - three far-right groups from the Netherlands - make use of social media platforms in the year 2017. Our results show that these extreme right-wing groups use social media to spread their ideology, to construct a group identity, and to call for (democratic) forms of resistances. In addition, our findings illustrate that these far-right groups seem to adjust to their digital surroundings: they do not change or conceal their extremist ideas, but rather manage their online content to ensure that their ideologies can be disseminated through social media. |

Tijdschrift voor Criminologie
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Artikel |
Trefwoorden | far-right, online extremism, ideology, resistance, social media |
Auteurs | Dr. Robby Roks en Jolijn van der Schoot MSc |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Onderzoeksnotities |
Woorden maken werelden (en cijfers ook): hoe hoog is nu het percentage veroordeelde outlawbikers? |
Trefwoorden | OMCG, Hells Angels, gang database, type 2 error, criminal organization |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. mr. Arjan Blokland |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In our 2017 report “Profielen van outlaw bikers and outlawbiker clubs” we concluded, “Dutch members of outlaw motorcycle gangs disproportionally frequently have a history criminal justice contacts”. The attorney representing the Hells Angels in the civil law suit filed by the Dutch public prosecutor requesting a civil ban of the Hells Angels, after consulting an expert methodologist, challenged this conclusion due to the possibility of type 2 and type 1 errors in constructing our sample from a police gang database. Here we calculate the proportion of convicted Hells Angels members under different levels of potential bias resulting from these errors. We find that a realistic estimate of the proportion of convicted individuals among the Dutch Hells Angels membership is between 58-96%, which, at a minimum, is roughly twice that in an age-matched population of male motorcyclists who are not members of an outlaw motorcycle club. |
Onderzoeksnotities |
25 jaar moord in NederlandEen trendanalyse van geslacht en leeftijd van slachtoffers van moord |
Trefwoorden | homicide, victimization rates;, the Netherlands;, Dutch Homicide Monitor;, demographics |
Auteurs | Dr. Pauline Aarten, Hanneke Schönberger MSc en Dr. Marieke Liem |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This study describes the trend in victimization of homicide in the Netherlands in the period 1992-2016. Using data from the Dutch Homicide Monitor, the findings show that the homicide rate has been falling since the 1990s. This decrease is the greatest among male and female victims between the ages 20 and 39. This findings emphasize the importance of shifting the discussion about the general homicide drop to an in-depth analysis of gender and age of victims of homicide. |
Onderzoeksnotities |
Detentie specifieke normering van de d2 aandacht- en concentratietest |
Trefwoorden | attention, concentration, norm scores, detainees, prison |
Auteurs | Dr. Jochem Jansen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Recent studies show that neurocognitive functioning of people within the criminal justice system might be relevant for judicial intervention and reintegration programs, but the use of this information is hindered by – among other things – a lack of appropriate norm scores for neuropsychological tests. A total of 272 detainees completed the d2 attention and concentration test. This article shows that for the d2 attention and concentration test, the already available norm scores are not appropriate for the use within the criminal justice system. New norm scores for Dutch detainees are provided, based on outcomes of a regression based norm procedure. These norm scores are made freely available. |
Kroniek |
Jongeren, leeftijdsgenoten en criminaliteit |
Trefwoorden | Peer relations, Delinquency, Social influence, Social networks, Peer status |
Auteurs | Dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra en Prof. dr. René Veenstra |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article relates criminological research on youth delinquency to the social development of adolescents. Starting point is a goal-framing approach which assumes that young people aim for the achievement of two goals: status (‘getting ahead’) and belonging (‘getting along’). Peers form an important context for achieving these goals. Therefore, the role of delinquency in peer networks is examined: on the one hand, the extent to which delinquency contributes to peer status, and on the other hand, how delinquency contributes to the formation of network relationships and, vice versa, how network relationships influence adolescents’ delinquency. Finally, several directions for further research are discussed. |
Boekbespreking |
Dansend op zoek naar verklaringen voor corruptie |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Hans Nelen |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Balancing the scale of Lady Justice: biosocial studies of antisocial behavior |
Auteurs | Dr. Steve van de Weijer |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Big data en de studie van criminele netwerken |
Auteurs | Dr. Leontien van der Knaap |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
De DNA-criminologie van netwerken |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Peter van Koppen |
Auteursinformatie |