Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Geef cake

Over wederkerigheid en resocialisatie in een tbs-traject

Trefwoorden biografie, kroniek, wederkerig, resocialisatie, tbs
Auteurs Frank van Gemert

Frank van Gemert
Frank van Gemert is universitair docent bij de afdeling criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. f.h.m.van.gemert@vu.nl
  • Samenvatting

      After collaborating with the author, Jan, the protagonist of a biography, commits a life crime. A 3.5-year sentence is followed by a more extended stay in a secure forensic unit (tbs). These settings are different. Jan is familiar with detention, and it is easy for him to move in this masculine world. However, in the forensic unit, he struggles as many adjustments are required. Over a period of 13 years, the relationship between Jan and the author changes. It reaches an equilibrium as gifts reciprocate, and this is a reflection of Jan’s process of resocialization.

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