Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Verantwoordelijk en kritisch?

Een discussie over de impact van ethische beoordelingscommissies op kritische criminologie

Trefwoorden critical criminology, research ethics committees, research ethics, Europe, academic freedom
Auteurs Ruben Timmerman en Amr Marzouk

Ruben Timmerman
Ruben Timmerman is promovendus bij het departement Law, Society & Crime van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Zijn huidige promotieonderzoek richt zich op arbeidsmisstanden en uitbuiting bij arbeidsmigranten in Nederland. timmerman@law.eur.nl

Amr Marzouk
Amr Marzouk is promovendus bij de sectie criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Zijn onderzoek gaat over cyber-politiek en cyber-criminaliteit in autoritaire regimes, met een speciale interesse in het mondiale Zuiden. marzouk@law.eur.nl
  • Samenvatting

      In recent years, there has been a rapid expansion of institutional research ethics boards (REBs) in universities across Europe. While ostensibly part of a growing awareness and concern for the potentially harmful impacts of social science research, this growing institutionalisation of research ethics has also attracted critics who have questioned its impact on academic freedom, methodological innovation, and scholarly independence. These concerns are especially vital for critical criminology, which has a long-standing tradition of investigating the crimes and social harms of the powerful. In this paper, we critically examine the role of REBs specifically in relation to critical criminological research and explore the possibilities for conducting socially and ethically responsible research, while continuing to maintain our commitment to challenging the social harms and crimes committed by institutions of power.

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