Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Feministische criminologie en strafrechtelijke complicity

Een herevaluatie van vergeefse allianties

Trefwoorden feminist criminology, abolitionism, complicity
Auteurs Elise Maes

Elise Maes
Elise Maes voltooide in 2022 een master in criminologische wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Gent en in 2023 een internationale onderzoeksmaster in de criminologie (IMARC) aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. In 2023 heeft ze tevens gewerkt als student-onderzoeker over gender en verslaving op de vakgroep orthopedagogie van de Universiteit Gent. Haar expertise betreft intersectioneel feminisme, kritische criminologie en abolitionisme. In november 2023 start ze ook haar doctoraatstraject in de criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Hierin zal ze vrouwen en reproductieve arbeid in de platform economie bestuderen. maes@law.eur.nl
  • Samenvatting

      This paper delves into the complex relationship between feminism and criminology. It questions whether this alliance has hindered the pursuit of feminist and abolitionist goals. In this paper, mainstream criminology is contextualized within a history of governance. However, feminism is discussed as a movement that has historically challenged state authority. However, feminist criminology has aligned feminism with a state-oriented and scientifically realistic stance. The paper addresses the concept of ‘complicity’ to appoint the role feminist criminology can have played within governance. It suggests that this alliance could compromise feminist political objectives, by scientifically reaching out to governing institutions. The paper concludes by advocating a potential separation of feminism from criminology to better serve contemporary feminist and abolitionist agendas, offering a fresh perspective within critical criminological movements.

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