
Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit

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Aflevering 3, 2022 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Mondiale culturele criminologie

Naar een postkoloniaal perspectief

Trefwoorden postcolonial criminology, global criminology, ethnocentrism, situated knowledge, southern criminology
Auteurs René van Swaaningen en Damián Zaitch

    If we are to make some advances in international criminology, we need to face the fact that, historically, criminological knowledge has often been used as a support of colonial and authoritarian rule and acknowledge that also today international criminologists operate by and large in a culturally ill-informed vacuum in which a ‘universal’ validity of Western theories is implicitly taken for granted. Starting from Edward Said’s famous critique of the ‘orientalism’ of Western academics and Achille Mbembe’s notion of ‘black reason’, we will investigate how bottom-up ethnographies and cultural anthropological debates on cultural ‘landscapes’ could help to decolonise criminology. In conclusion, it is argued that a culturally informed international criminology is not based on humanitarian do-gooderism or shame over a colonial past, but that it is fundamental if we are to understand the world around us and indeed the ‘glocal’ questions we are confronted with.

René van Swaaningen
René van Swaaningen is hoogleraar criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en redactielid van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit. ­vanswaaningen@law.eur.nl

Damián Zaitch
Damián Zaitch is universitair hoofddocent criminologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht en redactielid van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit. D.Zaitch@uu.nl

Wie zijn de murenbouwers?

Over terugtrekking als reactie op geweld in Guatemala-Stad

Trefwoorden Guatemala, insecurity, endemic violence, withdrawal, ethnography
Auteurs Timo Peeters

    This essay analyses the way people from different social classes in Guatemala City respond to the versatility of dangers, uncertainties and anxieties they tend to live with on a daily basis. More specifically, it focuses on withdrawal, the main theme that arises in this regard. Three forms are distinguished: withdrawal from ’the dangerous other’, nostalgic withdrawal ‘in time’ and withdrawal ‘from the body’. They all build on the same logic, while being fed by the violence and structural violence people are confronted with.

Timo Peeters
Timo Peeters is universitair docent criminologie aan de Universiteit Leiden. In 2021 is hij aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam gepromoveerd op een proefschrift over de wijze waarop mensen uit verschillende sociale klassen in Guatemala-Stad hun leven vorm en betekenis geven in een context van geweld en ongelijkheid. T.d.peeters@law.leidenuniv.nl

Fake news and cultural biases

Egypt as an example

Trefwoorden Egypt, fake news, cultural bias, authoritarian and illiberal practices, situated knowledge
Auteurs Amr Marzouk

    This article argues that the contemporary conceptualization and the framing of fake news reflect an almost purely western perspective prompted by western crises such as the Brexit or the 2016 US election. To provide an account of fake news in non-western context, the article follows a situated knowledge approach to explore the fake news phenomena In Egypt. The article concludes that fake news has been used as an authoritarian practice to limit access to information and as an illiberal practice to penalize any other voice or opinion against the government relying on the penal code.

Amr Marzouk
Amr Marzouk, PhD, is onderzoeker bij het departement Law, Society & Crime van de Erasmus School of Law. Hij heeft een BSc in Political Sciences van de Alexandria University (Egypte), een master’s in mensenrechten van de Ca’foscari University in Venetië (Italië) en een MSc in Criminologie van de University Durham (UK). Hij werkte voor The American University in Caïro en voor een aantal mensenrechtenorganisaties in Egypte. marzouk@law.eur.nl

Half-widows of Kashmir

Through the lens of an Indian feminist criminology

Trefwoorden India, enforced disappearances, geographical praxis, gendered structures, feminism
Auteurs Nikita Robinson

    Along with the rich and often tumultuous history, the state of Jammu and Kashmir has also experienced enforced disappearances, giving birth to another category of victims as a consequence of political conflict – the half-widows of Kashmir. The term ‘half-widows’ describes women whose husbands have disappeared but not yet been declared dead. The article proposes to analyse the orchestrated-limbo, defined by the intersectionality and compounding of how stigma, shaming and violence take shape in the context of gender relations in India. It seeks to answer how and why an implicit western lens may fall short in understanding criminological problems outside the western realm.

Nikita Robinson
Nikita Robinson heeft een Master’s in Clinical Psychology (Psychosocial Clinical Studies) van Ambedkar University, Delhi, India. Ze rondde haar MSc af in de International Master’s in Advanced Research in Criminology (IMARC) aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en aan de Universiteit van Gent. Ze werkt nu als Security Risk Manager bij ASML. ­nikitarobinson.1993@gmail.com

Legal system diversity and the application of fundamental human rights

A decolonial analysis of a Brazilian indigenous case

Trefwoorden Brazil, decolonization, cultural codes, legal pluralism, indigenous legal systems
Auteurs Luciano Alberto Ferreira, Fernando Palazzo, Vladimir Passos de Freitas e.a.

    The purpose of this article is to examine criminal justice within the context of legal system diversity. This study aims to identify, within the context of legal cultural diversity, the main challenges that need to be overcome in order to restore peace in an indigenous community in Brazil, more specifically in the case known as the ‘first indigenous jury’ in the country. In the study, it was perceived that the Brazilian official legal system was unable to restore peace because there was no egalitarian dialogue between different legal cultural systems in interpreting the fundamental human rights at stake.

Luciano Alberto Ferreira
Luciano Alberto Ferreira, Juris Doctor, is PhD student aan de Pontíficia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Brazilië) en MSc in Public Policies van Rio Grande do Norte Federal University (Brazilië). luciano.alberto@pucpr.edu.br

Fernando Palazzo
Fernando Palazzo, Juris Doctor (Brazilië), is momenteel student in de Master of Advanced Research in Criminology (IMARC) aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. fernando.palazzo@hotmail.com

Vladimir Passos de Freitas
Vladimir Passos de Freitas is voormalig federaal rechter aan het 4th Federal Regional Court of Justice (Brazilië), professor van PhD-programma in Environmental Law aan de Pontíficia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Brazilië) and voormalig Nationaal Staatssecretaris van Justitie in Brazilië. vladimir.freitas@terra.com.br

Edson Damas da Silveira
Edson Damas da Silveira is openbaar aanklager in de staat Roraima (Brazilië), professor voor Public Security, Citizenship and Human Rights aan de Roraima State University en professor voor Environmental Law aan de Amazonas State University (Brazilië). edsondamas@mprr.mp.br
Significant others

The cultural biases of green criminology

An interview with David Rodríguez Goyes on southern green criminology

Auteurs Damián Zaitch en René van Swaaningen

Damián Zaitch
Damián Zaitch is universitair hoofddocent criminologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht en redactielid van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit. D.Zaitch@uu.nl

René van Swaaningen
René van Swaaningen is hoogleraar criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en redactielid van Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit. ­vanswaaningen@law.eur.nl

Meest gelezen artikelen van de afgelopen 24 maanden