Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


De ‘criminele sponsor’ van het lokale amateurvoetbal

Trefwoorden georganiseerde misdaad, organisatiecriminaliteit, voetbal, witwassen, filantropie
Auteurs Professor Toine Spapens

Professor Toine Spapens
Professor Toine Spapens is hoogleraar criminologie aan Tilburg University.
  • Samenvatting

      The social role of criminals in local communities has so far received relatively little systematic academic attention. This applies more specifically to their involvement in philanthropic activities. This paper describes and analyses the role of dubious sponsors particularly in Dutch amateur football. Although it is difficult to estimate the scope of the problem, results indicate that criminal sponsorship is not incidental. It mainly concerns corporate criminals, persons involved in drug crimes and outlaw motorcycle gangs. The main goal is to enhance their public image. In most cases, their involvement in crimes or regulatory offenses is difficult to assess without a doubt, which complicates preventative measures. Our analysis shows several interacting factors which increase clubs’ vulnerability to criminal infiltration: setting overambitious sportive goals; dependence on volunteers and a lack of formal integrity policies and internal compliance mechanisms; financial problems; and external pressures associated with the club’s role as the ‘pride’ of the city, the village or the neighbourhood.

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