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Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht

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Aflevering 1, 2021 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Recht vanuit vriendschap

Auteurs Simon Vuyk

Simon Vuyk
Simon Vuyk (1960) studeerde in 1984 aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam af als criminoloog onder leiding van Herman Bianchi. In 1990 werd hij actief als misdaadjournalist en tv-maker. Tegenwoordig noemt hij zich hersteljournalist.

Herstelrecht in Suriname

Auteurs Bas van Stokkom

Bas van Stokkom
Bas van Stokkom is hoofdredacteur van dit tijdschrift en als research fellow verbonden aan de het onderzoeksprogramma Staat en Recht, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Persoonlijke website:

Access_open Inheemse conflictbeslechting in Suriname

Een antropologie van herstelrecht

Trefwoorden Suriname, Inheemsen, herstelrecht, gewoonterecht, Krutu
Auteurs Makiri Mual

    This article deals with restorative justice practices in Surinam. It is based mainly on anthropological literature and preliminary research findings of four indigenous villages in Surinam, and is part of a broader study of Indigenous and Marron communities. In these villages the age-old customary law approach to conflict remains a lively practice, especially in the rainforests where central authority has little influence. The author highlights a number of restorative aspects of indigenous (criminal) justice practices, such as the group conferencing model of the Krutu and the role of the community (rehabilitation). Other aspects are not at all restorative, such as cases of double punishment (ne bis in idem), corporal punishment and the lack of the possibility of appeal. Because the trend of opening the hinterland seems to be unstoppable, it is recommended to coordinate national law and customary law and improve cooperation between indigenous and central authority. The article gives some suggestions for reforming the Surinamese Penal Code.

Makiri Mual
Makiri Mual is MfN-registermediator in strafzaken en familiezaken, relatietherapeut en MFT expert. Hij is ook duovoorzitter van de Vereniging van Mediators in Strafzaken (VMSZ).

Herstelrecht en recidivevermindering

Meningen van Surinaamse ex-gedetineerde jongemannen

Trefwoorden Suriname, herstelrecht, jongvolwassenen, ex-gedetineerden
Auteurs Sabine de Vries

    This article analyzes the opinion of twenty-four Surinamese ex-convicted young men on restorative justice. The results were obtained through four focus group sessions and a concise survey form. The factors (a) type of offense, (b) seriousness of offense and (c) prevention of recurrence were discussed. The opinions are divided, but the majority is of the opinion that restorative justice can mainly work for serious and violent crimes. Fear of revenge appears to be a barrier to participation. Employment has been indicated as the key to real recovery of the offender and prevention of recidivism (and thus satisfaction for the victim). The results provide insight into the susceptibility to restorative justice among this specific group in Suriname.

Sabine de Vries
Sabine M. de Vries is socioloog en als fulltime onderzoeker verbonden aan het Instituut voor Maatschappijwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (IMWO), Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname.

Evoluties in het Vlaams herstelrechtelijke beleid sinds 2000

Trefwoorden Vlaams justitieel beleid, Vlaamse wetgeving, detentie, herstelgerichte, herstelrecht
Auteurs Ivo Aertsen

    Restorative justice practices and policies have been growing in Belgium during last three decades. This article looks in particular at policy developments in the Flemish Community. It reconstructs how restorative justice has adopted a legal basis in 2005 and 2006 respectively in adult criminal law and juvenile justice. The rise and fall of the Belgian model of ‘restorative prisons’ is discussed. Special attention goes to the role of the Belgian State reform process, where the regions were given more competencies also in restorative justice matters. We investigate how this process of devolution has shaped the restorative justice landscape for the sectors of penal mediation, restorative mediation and conferencing. Some ambivalences in policy making are shown. Moreover, in recent years there are signs of a declining political interest in restorative justice.

Ivo Aertsen
Ivo Aertsen is emeritus hoogleraar KU Leuven, Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie.

Alice Bosma
Alice Bosma is werkzaam bij de vakgroep strafrecht van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Universiteit Tilburg.

Gert Jan Slump
Gert Jan Slump is criminoloog, sociaal-maatschappelijk ondernemer en consultant, adviseur en trainer. Hij is medeoprichter van de Stichting Restorative Justice Nederland.

Wetenschappelijk & journalistiek pamflet

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