Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Eind goed, al goed? De eindezaakverklaring na mediation in het strafrecht

Trefwoorden Eindezaakverklaring, Mediation, Strafrecht
Auteurs Prisca Sijtsma en Renée Kool

Prisca Sijtsma
Prisca Sijtsma studeert Rechten en volgt de Legal Research Master aan het subdepartement Rechten, Universiteit Utrecht.

Renée Kool
Renée Kool is senior-docent/onderzoeker bij het onderzoekscentrum Ucall, Universiteit Utrecht en redactielid van dit tijdschrift.
  • Samenvatting

      The (be) modernized Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure offers the judge a conditional power to pronounce a final judgment after mediation in criminal cases (article 573 DCPC-new). In so doing, the legislature is responding to the desire of the criminal court to be able to provide customized solutions in the handling of criminal cases brought before it. This end-of-case statement implies a substantive correction to the prosecution monopoly of the Dutch Public Prosecution Service, but does justice to the principle of subsidiarity that underlies opportune criminal justice. Moreover, it is in line with the broader debate within the Dutch legal discourse on responsive justice.

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