Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht


Van ‘wat werkt’ naar ‘hoe werkt het’ in ­onderzoek naar herstelrecht – ­het concept van ‘bereidheid’

Trefwoorden Positieve resultaten, Bereidheid, Oriëntatie, Emotie, kennis
Auteurs Masahiro Suzuki

Masahiro Suzuki
Masahiro Suzuki is a lecturer in criminology at the College of Law, Criminology and Justice, Central Queensland University, Australia. His research interests include restorative justice, desistance, youth offending, comparative criminology, criminological theory, juvenile justice, and elder crime. Contact author: m.suzuki@cqu.edu.au.
  • Samenvatting

      This article was published earlier in the International Journal of Restorative Justice (2020, nr. 3) and is translated into Dutch for this issue. While many empirical studies on restorative justice conferencing have been conducted in the context of ‘what works’, research on ‘how it works’ is scarce. Little is known about how, in what conditions and for whom restorative justice conferencing ‘works’. In this article, Suzuki aims to fill this gap in the literature by developing a concept of readiness. It refers to participants’ attitudes and emotional dispositions towards, and knowledge about, restorative justice conferencing and the other parties prior to the face-to-face dialogue process. Suzuki suggests that the concept of readiness may be a key independent variable to understand how restorative justice conferencing works because it reminds us that a restorative journey may begin before a face-to-face dialogue between participants take places. This article concludes by offering how it can be used in research on restorative justice conferencing.

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