Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Autonomie onder druk

Digitale surveillance en datakolonialisme

Trefwoorden digitization, datafication, democracy, metaverse, hermeneutics
Auteurs Miriam Rasch

Miriam Rasch
Miriam Rasch is filosoof en essayist en verbonden aan de Willem de Kooning Academie. miriam@miriamrasch.nl
  • Samenvatting

      The pandemic has shown how many areas of life can still be digitized, from work, school, and social relations to institutional and care contexts. Using the utopian techno-visions of the metaverse and the critical concept of data colonialism, this essay argues that such ongoing digitization and datafication poses a threat to autonomy, a central value in democratic societies. It proposes a multi-faceted notion of autonomy, which goes beyond rational choice or privacy, to understand the ramifications of the economic, epistemological, and ontological monopolies that technological platforms strive for.

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