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Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid


De maatschappelijke integratie van de politie in superdiverse wijken

Trefwoorden politie, gebiedsgebonden politie, superdiversiteit, maatschappelijke integratie
Auteurs Ivo van Duijneveldt

Ivo van Duijneveldt
Ivo van Duijneveldt is adviseur en onderzoeker bij Andersson Elffers Felix.
  • Samenvatting

      Since the 1970s social integration of the police has been considered a key element of the Dutch police. How realistic is this ambition and vision in a society that is increasingly diverse? This article presents a study of two Dutch police teams that operate in superdiverse neighbourhoods. Both teams emphasize the importance of close relations with the public. However, only one team is succeeding in practising strategies that help to build relationships. (Implicit) opinions of police officers about their work and the role of the police in society can offer an explanation for the striking differences between the two teams.

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