
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie

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Aflevering 2-3, 2020 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Hedendaagse jeugdcriminaliteit: nieuwe vragen en enkele antwoorden na een historische daling

Auteurs Dr. André van der Laan, Prof. dr. Stefaan Pleysier en Prof. dr. Frank Weerman

Dr. André van der Laan
Dr. A.M. van der Laan is senioronderzoeker bij het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid in Den Haag.

Prof. dr. Stefaan Pleysier
Prof. dr. S. Pleysier is hoofddocent aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de KU Leuven en coördinator van de Onderzoekslijn Jeugdcriminologie en Jeugdrecht aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (LINC).

Prof. dr. Frank Weerman
Prof. dr. F.M. Weerman is senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) in Amsterdam en bijzonder hoogleraar Jeugdcriminologie bij de sectie Criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Access_open Een eerste blik op online delinquentie

Verkennend onderzoek bij Vlaamse jongeren en vergelijking met offline delinquentie

Trefwoorden online crime, juveniles, self-reported delinquency, risk profiles, prevalence
Auteurs Ena Coenen

    Given that the social life of youngsters develops more and more online, attention for cybercrime has grown as well. However, no Flemish data is available yet. This study uses data from two representative samples of the Flemish youth to research the prevalence and risk profiles of on- and offline crime. Compared to offline crime, online crime is relatively limited. In addition, results showed that online offenders had the least severe risk profile, while offenders of both on- and offline delinquency had the most severe profile. For victimization, it appeared that it is important to consider individual types of offences, since complex differences were found between various crime types. These results indicate a limited, but not ignorable, occurrence of online crime, and a difference in risk profiles for offline and online crime.

Ena Coenen
E. Coenen is wetenschappelijk medewerker bij het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie aan de KU Leuven.

Online jeugdcriminaliteit en ‘verkeerde vrienden’: wanneer is de samenhang het sterkst?

Trefwoorden cyber delinquency, cyber offenders, peer deviance, social network
Auteurs Yaloe van der Toolen MSc, Dr. Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg en Prof. dr. Frank Weerman

    This article investigates whether cyber delinquent behaviour of school friends, other offline friends and online contacts is related to cyber delinquent behaviour of individuals, and whether this relation differs for cyber dependent, cyber enabled and traditional crime. We used both direct and indirect measures of cyber delinquency of friends. We employed data from the first wave of a large-scale study on the causes of online delinquency among Dutch juveniles (n=889; mean age=16.8 years). The results suggest that both direct and indirect measures of levels of friend delinquency were related to levels of individual cyber offending. However, indirect measures had a stronger association with individual online delinquency than direct measures. This suggests that respondents make incorrect estimates of their friends’ levels of online delinquency. Moreover, no differences were found in the strength of the relation between individual online offending and indirect measures of online offending of school friends, offline friends and online friends. This suggests that friends of different types all play an important role in individual online offending.

Yaloe van der Toolen MSc
Y. van der Toolen MSc is junior onderzoeker bij de sectie Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en junior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) in Amsterdam.

Dr. Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg
Dr. M. Weulen Kranenbarg is universitair docent Criminologie bij de sectie Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Prof. dr. Frank Weerman
Prof. dr. F.M. Weerman is senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) in Amsterdam en bijzonder hoogleraar Jeugdcriminologie bij de sectie Criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Risicogedrag van jongeren

In hoeverre verschilt de invloed van leeftijdsgenoten op het beginnen met risicogedrag en aanpassen in risicogedrag?

Trefwoorden antisocial behavior, social network analysis, SIENA, subtance use, onset
Auteurs Dr. Aart Franken, Dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Dr. Zeena Harakeh e.a.

    Studies investigating peer influence on risk behaviors, such as antisocial behavior and substance abuse, mostly study the amount of change in which adolescents adapt their risk behavior to become more similar to their friends. Onset of risk behavior, changing form having no experience to having any experience with risk behavior, has been studies far less. This study investigates friends’ influence on the onset of risk behavior and their influence in changes in risk behavior. Hypotheses were tested using SNARE (Social Network Analysis of Risk behavior in Early adolescence) data (N=1.144), containing information on risk behavior (i.e. antisocial behavior, alcohol use, and tobacco use) and friendship networks at three timepoints during the first year of secondary education (Mage= 12.7; SD=0.47). Analyses, using longitudinal social network analysis (RSIENA), showed that although adolescents adapt their risk behavior to become more similar to their friends, they are not influence in by their friends in the onset of risk behavior. These findings suggest s more nuanced role of friends in the onset of risk behavior. Interventions aiming at friends might benefit from differentiating between the onset and further (dis)continuation of risk behavior as these friendship influence processes might be less relevant for the onset of risk behavior.

Dr. Aart Franken
Dr. A. Franken is psycholoog NIP (i.o.t. gz-psycholoog) bij de Praktijk voor leer- en gedragsadviezen.

Dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra
Dr. J.K. Dijkstra is UHD Sociologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en senior-analist RIEC Noord.

Dr. Zeena Harakeh
Dr. Z. Harakeh is onderzoeker bij TNO, expertisegebied Child Health.

Dr. Wilma Vollebergh
Prof. dr. W.A.M. Vollebergh is emeritus hoogleraar Jeugdstudies aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Wie zijn jeugdige veelplegers?

Een onderzoek naar aantallen en kenmerken op basis van politieregistraties en zelfrapportage

Trefwoorden Juvenile delinquency, Frequent offending, Research methods, Self reports, Police registrations
Auteurs Prof. dr. Frank Weerman, Prof. dr. Gerben Bruinsma, Prof. dr. Wim Bernasco e.a.

    The aim of this study was to provide more insight in prevalence and aetiology of juvenile frequent offending, employing police registered data as well as self-report information. We combined data about 519 youths that participated in a self-report study in the region of The Hague with police register data (the HKS system) from the police unit of The Hague. The results indicate that a substantial part of youths that report a large amount of offenses themselves are not formally known as ‘juvenile frequent offender’. Causal factors derived from four major criminological theories can be found in a more pronounced way among juvenile frequent offenders than among youths that incidentally commit offenses. In general, there are similarities between the characteristics of juvenile frequent offenders defined by police register data and those defined by self-reports, but, on average, frequent offenders that are known by the police spend more time unstructured socializing with friends. We conclude that research using the method of self-report is well capable to find juvenile frequent offenders, and that this method also leads to useful information about the causes of their delinquent behaviour.

Prof. dr. Frank Weerman
Prof. dr. F.M. Weerman is senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) in Amsterdam en bijzonder hoogleraar Jeugdcriminologie bij de sectie Criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Prof. dr. Gerben Bruinsma
Prof. dr. G.J.N. Bruinsma is emeritus directeur van het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) en emeritus hoogleraar Omgevingscriminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Prof. dr. Wim Bernasco
Prof. dr. W. Bernasco is senior onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) en bijzonder hoogleraar Ruimtelijke analyse van criminaliteit aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Prof. dr. Lieven Pauwels
Prof. dr. L. Pauwels is directeur van het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) en als hoogleraar verbonden aan de Universiteit van Gent.

Jonge veelplegers en hun worsteling om te stoppen met criminaliteit

Een vierfasenmodel

Trefwoorden desistance, young repeat offenders, maturation, longitudinal study
Auteurs Prof. dr. Ido Weijers

    This article presents findings from a longitudinal study of 81 young recidivists examined over fifteen years. By the age of 25, 50 percent had desisted for at least three years. 60 percent had had no new police contacts during the last two years. Four stages could be distinguished in the desistance process. Apart from a small number of explicit persisters, all of the young adults did consciously consider whether the benefits of their criminal activities outweighed the disadvantages. With just a few exceptions, the decision to quit was not motivated by an altruistic goal, nor by extreme fear, but mainly motivated by the feeling of being too old for criminal life and by striving for a pleasant self-esteem. It is concluded that when young adult recidivists give up crime, this must be seen as an extreme and extremely late form of maturation.

Prof. dr. Ido Weijers
Prof. dr. I. Weijers is emeritus hoogleraar jeugdstrafrecht en jeugdbescherming aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Wie houdt de wacht?

Veranderingen in toezicht tijdens de jongvolwassenheid

Trefwoorden parental monitoring, self-control, delinquency, social control
Auteurs Dr. Jessica Hill MSc en Prof. dr. mr. Arjan Blokland

    In this study we examine whether parental monitoring remains a protective factor in the lives of emerging adults, as well as the extent to which monitoring in other settings replaces the protective role of the parents. We use data collected for the TransAM project, a longitudinal survey of 970 emerging adults (18-24 years) to examine monitoring in a range of different contexts using an instrument based on Stattin and Kerr’s parental monitoring scale (2000). Results indicate that whilst parental control plays a protective role in the first years of emerging adulthood, we find no evidence that monitoring in other settings replaces the protective role of parents. However, monitoring of the self, i.e., self-control, has an increasingly strong relationship with delinquency during emerging adulthood.

Dr. Jessica Hill MSc
Dr. J.M. Hill (MSc) is universitair docent criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Prof. dr. mr. Arjan Blokland
Prof. dr. mr. A.A.J. Blokland is als bijzonder hoogleraar Criminology & Criminal Justice verbonden aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden en als senior onderzoeker verbonden aan het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR).

Delinquentie, vrienden en ‘boosheid met liefde’

Trefwoorden peer delinquency, authoritative control, working alliance, prevention
Auteurs Dr. Adriaan Denkers en Dr. Jan Dirk de Jong

    Young people’s delinquent behavior remains a social problem of concern to parents, local residents, teachers, police officers and administrators. With respect to effective interventions, the dominant focus is on ‘what works’. Relatively little is known about ‘who works’. In this study, based on a survey of 679 vmbo-pupils, it was investigated to what extent receiving ‘sternness with love’ from a professional may contribute to mitigating delinquency. For this research, unique graphically supported measuring instruments were developed that enable participants of the target group – including those who suffer from mild intellectual disabilities – to independently fill out the questionnaire. The results based on regression analyses suggest that there is no support for the supposed contribution of the interaction between sternness and love or of the three-way interaction between delinquent friends, sternness and love in explaining the variance of delinquent behavior. The results further show that having delinquent friends is related to participants’ delinquency. The results of these analyses also suggest that the relevant professional’s approach with ‘sternness’ or with ‘love’ moderates the relationship between delinquent friends and committing theft.

Dr. Adriaan Denkers
Dr. A.J.M. Denkers is zelfstandig sociaal wetenschapper en verbonden aan de sectie Criminologie, Erasmus School of Law van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Dr. Jan Dirk de Jong
Dr. J.D.A. de Jong is lector Aanpak Jeugdcriminaliteit aan de Hogeschool Leiden en verbonden aan de sectie Criminologie, Erasmus School of Law van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Welzijn, primaire levensbehoeften en delinquentie bij adolescenten

Etiologische assumpties van het Good Lives Model getoetst

Trefwoorden GLM, Rehabilitation, Juvenile delinquency, Life satisfaction, Youth
Auteurs Colinda Serie PhD, Prof. dr. Stefaan Pleysier, Prof. dr. Johan Put e.a.

    A recent rehabilitation theory, the ‘Good Lives Model’ (GLM), states that interventions that work towards a higher well-being can reduce recidivism risk more sustainably by promising a happier, pro-social life, rather than just a less harmful one. Although the GLM theory appears promising, limited empirical research has examined its underlying assumptions, applicability and its effectiveness. Research into the GLM with youth is even more limited. Therefore, in the current study, we investigate the main etiological assumptions of the GLM in a large group of adolescents between 14 and 18 years old from the general population (N=5.776), by means of self-report survey data on well-being, primary human goods and delinquency. The results show that a lower subjective global well-being is related to delinquent behavior. Especially the primary human goods of relatedness and working towards a financially stable future appear to be important goals for interventions aimed at rehabilitation of juvenile offenders.

Colinda Serie PhD
C.M.B. Serie is PhD-onderzoeker aan de KU Leuven.

Prof. dr. Stefaan Pleysier
Prof. dr. S. Pleysier is hoofddocent aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de KU Leuven en coördinator van de Onderzoekslijn Jeugdcriminologie en Jeugdrecht aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (LINC).

Prof. dr. Johan Put
Prof. dr. J. Put is gewoon hoogleraar jeugd- en welzijnsrecht aan de KU Leuven.

Prof. dr. Corine de Ruiter
Prof. dr. C. de Ruiter is als hoogleraar Forensische Psychologie, verbonden aan de Universiteit Maastricht.

Prevalentie van slachtofferschap van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag onder universiteitsstudenten

Eerste resultaten van een Belgisch cohorteonderzoek

Trefwoorden longitudinal design, sexual aggression, victimization, male victims, reporting
Auteurs Aude Fieuw BSc, Joke Depraetere MSc, Prof. dr. Lieven Pauwels e.a.

    In this paper we describe the first results of a recent cohort study conducted at Ghent University and focus on the applied study design. Existing cross-sectional studies regarding sexual victimization are not able to make causal statements about its risk and outcome factors. This cohort study aims to answer these questions. Results of this study confirmed that students are often confronted with sexual assault and seldom consult existing support services. This paper emphasizes the advantages of a longitudinal design within victimological research including the possibilities and difficulties that accompany it.

Aude Fieuw BSc
A. Fieuw BSc is masterstudent Criminologische Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Gent.

Joke Depraetere MSc
J. Depraetere MSc is Aspirant Fundamenteel Onderzoek van het Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO).

Prof. dr. Lieven Pauwels
Prof. dr. L. Pauwels is directeur van het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) en als hoogleraar verbonden aan de Universiteit van Gent.

Tom Vander Beken PhD
T. Vander Beken PhD is professor Criminologie en Strafrecht aan de Universiteit Gent.

Christophe Vandeviver PhD
C. Vandeviver PhD is onderzoeksprofessor Criminologie en Senior Postdoctoraal Onderzoeker van het Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO).

‘Partners in crime’? De rol van de antropologie in de criminologie

Trefwoorden criminal anthropology, Criminology, anthropology
Auteurs Dr. Brenda Oude Breuil

    Criminology, as an inherently interdisciplinary field, has built on anthropology (and other social sciences) in its development. This contribution addresses the question which insights in criminology have most been inspired by anthropology. First, it looks into the ‘criminal anthropology’ of Lombroso; then it embarks on an appreciation of the ethnographic research design within criminology (as first adopted by the Chicago School); and, finally, it assesses the link between anthropology, and cultural and global criminology. I conclude that anthropology has been valuable to our discipline on four levels: methodologically (in the importance of the ethnographic research design), theoretically (in its role in the development of symbolic interactionism and structuralism, for example), geographically (in the global scope of anthropological research), and analytically, in its experience with ‘doing ethnography’ in economically, politically and culturally embedded ways.

Dr. Brenda Oude Breuil
Dr. B.C.M. Oude Breuil is universitair docent Criminologie aan het Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafrechtswetenschappen in Utrecht.