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Tijdschrift voor Criminologie

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Aflevering 4, 2014 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Criminologie en opsporing

Trefwoorden criminal investigation, investigative practices, police and security services
Auteurs Prof. dr. Edward Kleemans, Dr. Christianne de Poot en Dr. Antoinette Verhage

    Criminologists have devoted surprisingly little attention to criminal investigation issues. This is understandable given the difficulties faced when performing empirical research into this subject. Getting access to confidential data from police and security services and disclosing such findings in scientific publications remains a challenge.
    However, knowledge about investigative practices and their effects is essential for current debates about the legitimacy of new investigative methods and related privacy violations. This special issue contains contributions from authors who were able to connect research and science with criminal investigation practices. The contributions concern relevant topics, such as interrogation methods, social network analysis in criminal investigations, investigation of terrorist activities, sexual offenses, and private investigations. With these contributions, this special issue illustrates how empirical research into criminal investigation practices can be executed, and what new insights this provides.

Prof. dr. Edward Kleemans
Prof. dr. E.R. Kleemans is hoogleraar Zware Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Dr. Christianne de Poot
Dr. C.J. de Poot is senior onderzoeker bij het WODC en tevens lector Forensisch Onderzoek bij de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Politieacademie.

Dr. Antoinette Verhage
Dr. A.H.S. Verhage is postdoc onderzoeker aan de Universiteit Gent, en directeur van de research unit Urban Crime & Policing (UGent).

Mediëren verhoortechnieken de verandering in verklaringsbereidheid van verdachten?

Trefwoorden effectiveness of interrogations, interrogation tactics, suspects’ statement, Structural Equation Modeling
Auteurs Dr. Willem-Jan Verhoeven

    This study aims to provide more knowledge on the extent to which criminal investigators are able to influence suspects’ statement. For this purpose, 166 observed interrogations covering the whole interrogation were analyzed. Based on these longitudinal data Structural Equation Modeling was used to examine the extent to which interrogation tactics mediate the changing statement between the start and the end of the interrogation. The results show that particularly suspects who give a statement on personal affairs at the beginning of the interrogation change their statement. Manipulating techniques are used more often when suspects are silent and confrontational techniques are used more often when suspects declare about the crime. Only confrontational techniques seem to contribute to changes in suspects’ statement. Accusatory interrogation tactics do not mediate the relationship between the statement given at the beginning of the interrogation and the change in statement. It can be concluded that suspects who are silent at the beginning of the interrogation or who declare about the crime in most cases don’t change their statement and that with using accusatory interrogation techniques criminal investigators seem to be unable to influence their statement.

Dr. Willem-Jan Verhoeven
Dr. W.J. Verhoeven is universitair docent criminologie bij de sectie Criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

De brug tussen wetenschap en opsporingspraktijk

Onderzoek naar de toepassing van sociale netwerkanalyse in de opsporing

Trefwoorden social network analysis (SNA), big data, criminal investigation, intelligence
Auteurs Drs. Paul Duijn en Dr. Peter Klerks

    Social network analysis (SNA) has taken its place in the field of criminology, although among Dutch criminologists the emphasis remains on conceptual contributions. Meanwhile, the world of criminal investigation and intelligence has witnessed the development of a blossoming SNA-practice. The emergence of big data makes SNA an indispensable tool to exploit the oceans of data in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, when it comes to employing SNA, academia and the investigations and intelligence domains remain separated. While Dutch analysts adopt scientific ideas and concepts, they rarely contribute to the body of literature; confidential SNA reports remain inaccessible. Shedding light on over forty SNA related internal police studies, this article bridges the gap between Dutch academic criminologists and ‘pracademics’ in law enforcement.

Drs. Paul Duijn
Drs. P.A.C. Duijn is als strategisch analist werkzaam binnen de eenheid Den Haag van de Nationale Politie en is als docent verbonden aan de Politieacademie.

Dr. Peter Klerks
Dr. P.P.H.M. Klerks werkt als raadadviseur bij het Parket-Generaal van het Openbaar Ministerie en is als docent verbonden aan de Politieacademie.

Acute dreigingen, vage geruchten

Opsporing van terroristische misdrijven en de handelingsruimte van politie- en justitiefunctionarissen

Trefwoorden criminal investigation, terrorism, discretionary authority, street-level bureaucrats
Auteurs Dr. Barbra van Gestel en Dr. Christianne de Poot

    Since 2007 the police and the public prosecution service in the Netherlands can apply special investigative powers in case of ‘indications’ of a terrorist offense. To investigate signs of terrorism, a suspicion is no longer needed. The underlying assumption behind this extension is that the ‘old’ legislation offers insufficient opportunities to investigate signs of terrorism in an early phase. In this article we examine this assumption about the action space of investigating officers. For the period 2007-2011, we examined how investigating officers responded to signs of terrorism in practice, what investigative powers they used, and how they – as street level bureaucrats – handled their discretionary authority. The research shows that police and judiciary officials are very well able to investigate signs of terrorism with the already existing powers, and that they have made little use of the new ‘indications’ criterion

Dr. Barbra van Gestel
Dr. B. van Gestel is socioloog en is als onderzoeker werkzaam voor het WODC.

Dr. Christianne de Poot
Dr. C.J. de Poot is senior onderzoeker bij het WODC en tevens lector Forensisch Onderzoek bij de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Politieacademie.

Kinderpornorechercheurs en hun mentale weerbaarheid

Hoe rechercheurs de impact van kinderpornografiezaken ervaren en daarmee omgaan

Auteurs Drs. Henk Sollie, Dr. Nicolien Kop en Prof. dr. Martin Euwema

    Eleven Teams against Child Abuse Images and Transnational Child Sex Offences (TBKKs) are operating within the Dutch National Police Force. This study provides an in-depth analysis of the resilience of criminal investigators working in these teams and how they perceive and cope with daily work stressors. Observational studies within five TBKKs and 35 semi-structured interviews with child pornography investigators revealed that managing their heavy caseloads, classifying abusive images, dealing with suspects and conducting home searches can sometimes be (very) challenging. Despite these demanding work aspects, investigators experience low levels of stress. By employing emotional detachment, self-reflection, workload regulation, social support and meaningfulness, they overcome the stress of investigating internet child exploitation. However, successful implementation of these resilience-enhancing strategies depends on the availability of several individual and organizational resources. To reduce the risk of health problems and to stimulate positive functioning, these resources require permanent investment from police management and investigators themselves.

Drs. Henk Sollie
Drs. H. Sollie is promovendus ‘Mentale Weerbaarheid binnen de Opsporing’ bij de Nederlandse Politieacademie.

Dr. Nicolien Kop
Dr. N. Kop is lector Criminaliteitsbeheersing & Recherchekunde bij de Nederlandse Politieacademie.

Prof. dr. Martin Euwema
Prof. dr. M.C. Euwema is hoogleraar Organisatiepsychologie, KU Leuven.

Over pragmatisme en strategie

Trefwoorden corporate security, private investigations, private settlements, forum shopping
Auteurs Clarissa Meerts MSc

    In this article data derived from observations and interviews are used to examine private methods of investigation as used by corporate security providers in the Netherlands, and the private settlement options which follow those investigations. It is argued that, rather than leadership being exercised by public actors and institutions (police, prosecutors, criminal courts and also civil courts), those actors are selectively and strategically mobilised by corporate security, on behalf of their private sector clients. Corporate security and its clients have a ‘pick and choose’ approach when searching for an optimal solution for the incident at hand (forum shopping).

Clarissa Meerts MSc
C.A. Meerts, MSc is promovenda en wetenschappelijk docent bij de Sectie Criminologie aan de Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Waar zijn toch al die ondeugende kinderen gebleven?

Diagnose en behandeling van ADHD ter voorkoming van ernstig en gewelddadig crimineel gedrag

Auteurs Prof. dr. Willem de Haan

Prof. dr. Willem de Haan
Prof. dr. W.J.M. de Haan is senior research fellow bij de Afdeling Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.

De diagnostische waarde van bewijs

Trefwoorden Bayesian analysis, Diagnostic value, Evidence evaluation, Alternative scenarios
Auteurs Prof. mr. dr. Eric Rassin

    Traditionally, the Dutch penal judge needs to determine whether the suspect has committed the crime for which he is being prosecuted. This is generally done by accumulating incriminating evidence. Recently, it has been argued that this accumulation fosters the risk of a miscarriage of justice. Alternatively, the judge may want to rely on a Bayesians analysis of the evidence. Particularly, diagnostic values for each piece of evidence must be established. Therefore, it must be investigated how well the evidence fits in the primary and in alternative scenarios. This approach is discussed in this contribution.

Prof. mr. dr. Eric Rassin
Prof. mr. dr. Eric Rassin is werkzaam bij de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Criminologie en strafrechtsbedeling

Auteurs Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg en Prof. dr. René van Swaaningen

Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg
Dr. mr. M.B. Schuilenburg is opgeleid als filosoof en jurist en is als universitair docent verbonden aan de sectie Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Prof. dr. René van Swaaningen
Prof. dr. R. van Swaaningen was promovendus van Cyrille Fijnaut en is als hoogleraar internationaal comparatieve criminologie verbonden aan de Erasmus School of Law.