
Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit

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Aflevering 1, 2013 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Irreguliere migratie en illegaal verblijf: beleid, conflicten en contradicties

Trefwoorden Illegal stay, The Netherlands, criminalization, immigration laws and policies
Auteurs Richard Staring en René van Swaaningen

    The current phase in which Dutch government increasingly criminalizes the illegal residence of migrants is simultaneously characterized by decreasing numbers of illegal migrants in this country. In the process of crimmigration, some newly developed policies indirectly influence daily lives of specific groups of illegal migrants while other policies and laws more directly try to hinder illegal stay. These policies that aim to exclude and ban illegal migrants are continued even though they are increasingly criticized by academics and divergent (inter)national actors. These policies and laws can be contradictory, sometimes conflict with international treaties, and lead to unforeseen and undesirable outcomes in which human dignity is challenged.

Richard Staring
Prof. dr. Richard Staring is bijzonder hoogleraar mobiliteit, toezicht en criminaliteit aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail: staring@law.uu.nl

René van Swaaningen
Prof. dr. René van Swaaningen is hoogleraar internationale en comparatieve criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, directeur van de Erasmus Graduate School of Law en voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie (NVK). E-mail: vanswaaningen@law.eur.nl

Verbanning en brandmerking in de 21ste eeuw?

De toepassing van artikel 1F Vluchtelingenverdrag in combinatie met de ongewenstverklaring

Trefwoorden Asylum, war crimes, 1F, banishment
Auteurs Dr. Joris van Wijk en Drs. Joke Reijven

    On the basis of article 1F Refugee Convention alleged perpetrators of serious crimes can be excluded from refugee protection. Under certain circumstances this exclusion can be regarded a unique type of contemporary banishment and branding. The rationale to exclude is primarily motivated by moral arguments, rather than security related arguments. In case Dutch government cannot deport the excluded persons, the exclusion is not limited to a certain place but (de facto) universal in nature. When the banished alleged perpetrators are declared undesirable aliens they are ‘branded’ as actual perpetrators.

Dr. Joris van Wijk
Dr. Joris van Wijk is universitair hoofddocent bij het Center for International Criminal Justice van de afdeling Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (www.cicj.org). E-mail: j.van.wijk@vu.nl

Drs. Joke Reijven
Drs. Joke Reijven is onderzoeker bij het Center for International Criminal Justice van de afdeling strafrecht en criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (www.cicj.org). E-mail: j.e.p.reijven@vu.nl

Migranten, banken en veiligheid in tijden van globalisering

Trefwoorden Customer due diligence, w undocumented migrants, remittance investment, phone-based remittances
Auteurs Prof. mr. dr. Sarah van Walsum

    Measures to combat international crime include customer identity controls by banks and repressive measures against informal money transfer systems. While there is debate surrounding the latter strategy, customer identity controls are largely taken for granted in the Netherlands. The author argues that these controls can negatively affect migrants. Moreover, exclusion of migrants from regulated banking systems has development implications. Phone-based remittances, that are linked to the regulated banking system, could serve as an alternative for informal transfer systems. Too stringent identity controls in host countries seem to prevent this however. The author recommends that controls focus on the amount being transferred, rather than on the person making the transfer.

Prof. mr. dr. Sarah van Walsum
Prof. mr. dr. Sarah van Walsum is hoogleraar migratierecht en familiebanden aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. E-mail: s.k.van.walsum@vu.nl

Met de schrik vrij?

Een exploratief onderzoek naar de afschrikwekkende werking van vreemdelingendetentie

Trefwoorden Irregular migrants, immigration detention, deterrence, return
Auteurs Mieke Kox MA en Dr. Arjen Leerkes

    Immigration detention is formally not a punishment, but governments do seem to use it to deter irregular migrants from staying in the territory. This study explores whether and how practices of immigration detention in the Netherlands affect detainees’ decision-making processes regarding return and result in ‘specific deterrence’. 81 unauthorized irregular migrants were interviewed in immigration detention and their casefiles were examined. We find evidence for a limited deterrence effect: a minority of the respondents indeed wanted to return to their countries of origin in order to end their (repeated) stay in immigration detention. For some respondents the detention experience contributed to a desire to migrate from the Netherlands to a different European country. We go into the relevance of these findings for the continuing societal debate on the use of immigration detention.

Mieke Kox MA
Mieke Kox MA is als wetenschappelijk docent en onderzoeker verbonden aan de sectie criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail: kox@law.eur.nl

Dr. Arjen Leerkes
Dr. Arjen Leerkes is als universitair docent verbonden aan de sectie sociologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en onderzoeker bij het WODC/Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie. E-mail: leerkes@fsw.eur.nl

Is the peer ethnographic approach a suitable method for researching lives of undocumented migrants?

Trefwoorden peer methods, undocumented, ethnographic, research
Auteurs Latefa Narriman Guemar en Helen Hintjens

    This article reflects on some of the qualities and strengths, as well as some potential weaknesses, of a research methodology used to study ‘hard-to-reach’ groups, such as the undocumented. This approach, known as the PEER (Participatory Ethnographic Evaluation and Research) approach, is introduced in terms of its key elements of trust, anonymity, in-depth data and flexibility. Its suitability for sensitive, or ‘liminal’ research issues, involving groups of vulnerable informants, is explained. The method is based on relations of trust, which are maintained through anonymity in data collection, and extend from social researchers to informants, through the intermediation of trained community-based peer researchers. It is they who interview others in their own social networks; since trust is the key ingredient in making this ethically-informed methodology work well, trust must be invested also in the peer researchers, who form part of the research team.

Latefa Narriman Guemar
Latefa Narriman Guemar is als PhD-student verbonden aan het Centre for Migration Policy Research, Swansea University. Tevens is ze verbonden aan de London School of Economics in London. E-mail: guemarn@yahoo.fr

Helen Hintjens
Dr. Helen Hintjens is universitair docent Development and Social Justice bij het International Institute of Social Studies te Den Haag (onderdeel van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam). E-mail: hintjens@iss.nl

Reflecting on the peer ethnographic approach

Trefwoorden qualitative research methodology, qualitative interviews, qualitative data analysis, ATLAS.ti
Auteurs Jeanine Evers MA

Jeanine Evers MA
Drs. Jeanine C. Evers is directeur van Evers Research & Training te Den Haag; daarnaast is ze als docent onderzoeksmethoden verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en bestuurslid van het platform KWALON. E-mail: jcevers@eversresearch.nl

Dr. Van Reybrouck, I presume

Over Congo, cultuur en criminaliteit

Trefwoorden Congo, violence, history, cultural encounters
Auteurs Prof. dr. Pieter Spierenburg

    This article discusses David van Reybrouck’s history of Congo. The focus is on violence and there is special attention for the period of the Congo Free State, 1885-1908, under king Leopold. A comparison is made between Van Reybrouck’s views and those of Adam Hochchild. It is concluded that the former passes a milder judgment on the actions of Leopold’s troops than the latter, while he also presents a more diversified account. Both authors, however, reject the label of genocide for Leopold’s ‘rubber terror’. The article concludes with some reflections on the concept of genocide, proposing to replace it with organized murder.

Prof. dr. Pieter Spierenburg
Prof. dr. Pieter Spierenburg is hoogleraar historische criminologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail: spierenburg@eshcc.eur.nl

Access_open David C. Brotherton

Trefwoorden Critical ethnography, engagement, activism, resistance
Auteurs Drs. Robby Roks

    David Brotherton – professor of Sociology at John Jay College of the City University of New York – was named Critical Criminologist of the year in 2011 and is known for his work on the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation and his research on Dominican deportees. By using excerpts of a lengthy interview with Brotherton, a personal and detailed account is presented which sheds light on the roots of his work, his (scientific) influences and especially his highly engaged methods of critical ethnography.

Drs. Robby Roks
Drs. Robby Roks is als promovendus verbonden aan de sectie criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail: roks@law.eur.nl

Insignificant others?

Over de benaming van de Surinaamse Marrons

Trefwoorden Suriname, Maroons, terminology, Ndyuka
Auteurs Pieter Spierenburg

    This column reacts to the use of the word ‘Djuka’ (spelled variously) for the Suriname Maroons. This word, although derived from the perfectly respectable tribal name of Ndyuka, is widely considered today as a term of abuse and interpreted to mean ‘shit of the Jews’. It has therefore become unusable in serious literature.

Pieter Spierenburg


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