
Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid

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Aflevering 4, 2023 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Twee werkelijkheden – beelden van de rol van de GHOR tijdens de coronacrisis

Trefwoorden COVID-19 crisis, Geneeskundige Hulpverleningsorganisatie in de Regio (GHOR), bestuurlijk construct, acute en niet-acute zorgketen, multi-actor perspectief
Auteurs Bernadette Holtkamp en Ira Helsloot

    The Dutch regional construct for the medical assistance in accidents and disasters (GHOR) was established more than twenty years ago to play an important coordinating role in medical crises. The GHOR’s right to exist was already a serious point of discussion before the COVID-19 crisis. By 2020 the Evaluation committee of the Safety Regions Act had concluded that the GHOR was of no added value. Its performance during the COVID-19 crisis did not lead to a different perspective. This article shows that the GHOR has quite a different view of its own role as compared to other medical emergency and non-emergency services. This can be explained from a multi-actor perspective. The GHOR was operating within the planning and consultation arena while the other medical emergency and non-emergency services were functioning within the operational arena to combat the crisis.

Bernadette Holtkamp
Bernadette Holtkamp is hoofddocent/onderzoeker Integrale Veiligheidskunde bij de opleiding Safety & Security Management, Academie Bestuur, Recht & Ruimte, Hogeschool Saxion (Enschede, Deventer en Apeldoorn). Daarnaast is zij promovenda van prof. dr. Ira Helsloot bij het Crisislab te Renswoude, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Ze is bezig met promotieonderzoek naar het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van de GHOR gedurende de laatste twee decennia (1996-heden). Dit TvV-artikel past in dat kader.

Ira Helsloot
Ira Helsloot is hoogleraar Besturen van Veiligheid aan de Radboud Universiteit en voorzitter van Stichting Crisislab. Hij houdt zich bezig met onderzoek naar proportioneel veiligheidsbeleid en crisisbeheersing.

Jongeren in zware en georganiseerde criminaliteit: signalen en de rol van het voortgezet onderwijs

Trefwoorden zware criminaliteit, georganiseerde misdaad, jeugdcriminaliteit, schoolcriminaliteit, signaalherkenning
Auteurs Jennifer van den Broek

    This study presents the results of the first nationwide research on the preventive and signaling role of secondary education in serious and organized crime. The findings indicate that most educational staff encounter student involvement in serious and organized criminal activities. Results show that educational personnel are aware of their responsibility but also highlight the lack of training, information, and specific protocols for recognizing and addressing relevant signals. Additionally, the signals they need to look out for are often general and may also indicate other issues, making recognition and interpretation challenging.

Jennifer van den Broek
Jennifer van den Broek is Ph.D. onderzoeker aan Tilburg Law School van Tilburg University.