This article contains a plea for a further operationalization of the subsidiarity principle (penal law and punishment as ultimum remedium) through a maximalist restorative justice, i.e. a restorative justice that not only offers space for ‘voluntary processes’ and agreed restoration, but also for ‘compulsory procedures’ and imposed restoration. An attempt is made to make the maximalist arsenal of restorative sanctions as concrete as possible. Two examples of sanctions that are ‘constructed’ in a restorative way in this article, are restorative community service and restorative electronic home detention. This article is based on work by John Blad and Lode Walgrave that has previously appeared in Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht. |

Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht
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Column |
Auteurs | John Blad |
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Column |
Auteurs | Lode Walgrave |
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Redactioneel |
Auteurs | Bas van Stokkom, Jacques Claessen en Ivo Aertsen |
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Artikel |
Trefwoorden | maximalistisch herstelrecht, subsidiariteitsbeginsel, elektronische thuisdetentie, taakstraf, schadevergoedingsmaatregel |
Auteurs | Jacques Claessen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Constructieve vergelding revisitedDe grondslag van de straf vanuit herstelrechtelijk perspectief |
Trefwoorden | constructieve vergelding, communicatie, retributivisme, strafverlangens, ervaren erkenning |
Auteurs | Renée Kool |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Is the concept of ‘retribution’ compatible with restorative justice? Starting from the perspective that retribution is an imperative given and that restorative justice should be a preferent option in coping with crime, the concept of retribution needs to be redesigned. Rethinking retribution needs to take into account the hypersensitive nature and complexity of modern society. Apparently incompatible interests need to be reconciled, paying tribute to the citizenship of both the victim and the perpetrator. Notwithstanding censure to be in place, implying the infliction of ‘pain’, the aim must lie in a reconstruction of civil relationships affirming the victim and the perpetrator to be part of the community. Standards applied must reflect objectivity, implying proportionate punishment, with a preference towards restorative justice because it is the more subsidiary option. Thus, retribution notwithstanding the imperative and painful nature of retribution, the execution should pursue the reconstruction of (civil) relationships. |
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Herstelgerichte sancties en het strafbegripJohn Blads rechtstheoretische visie |
Trefwoorden | John Blad, rechtstheorie, mediation in strafzaken, positief recht |
Auteurs | Bas van Stokkom |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This essay focuses on John Blad’s views on the sanction concept of restorative justice and the punishment concept of criminal law. What is the status of a restorative sanction? How does that sanction differ from imposed criminal sanctions? |
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Welke samenleving in het herstelrecht?Uitdagingen voor burgerschap en samenlevingsopbouw |
Trefwoorden | burgerschap, samenlevingsopbouw, samenleving als actor, Vreedzame Wijk, Eigen Kracht-conferentie |
Auteurs | Ivo Aertsen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article discusses the concepts of society and community involvement as they appeared in the articles of the Dutch-Flemish Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht (Journal of Restorative Justice) during last 20 years. It shows how the journal from its very beginning adopted a strong focus on criminal justice reform, although restorative practices within the community occupied a considerable space in the consecutive volumes as well. Studies on restorative justice programmes in Belgium and The Netherlands, such as victim-offender mediation and family-group conferences, revealed a predominant orientation on interpersonal relationships stressing the role of the community of care. In the same sense, also community mediation and other community oriented restorative practices focus on the personal well-being of people and the improvement of personal and social relationships. Hence, both theory and practice face two important challenges in developing restorative justice: (1) which role to give to a larger community and how to operationalize its involvement, and (2) how to deal with underlying causes of crime and social-structural injustices? Referring to European action-research projects and to conceptual models developed outside Europe, a case is made for designing restorative justice methodologies and programmes involving civil society in a more encompassing way and linking micro to macro societal levels. Developing strategic alliances with new social movements could be the way forward. |
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De maatschappelijke en politieke dimensies van herstelrecht: over het verbreden van de herstelrechtelijke blik |
Trefwoorden | populisme, Boutellier, MeToo, Black Lives Matter, klimaatdemonstraties |
Auteurs | Anneke van Hoek |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article states that the social and political context in which restorative justice is situated, needs more attention. The polarized rhetoric of populists with their plea for more state control and repression does not fit with the restorative approach with its emphasis on inclusion and social responsibility of active citizens. The author suggests that the paradigm of ‘positive security’ as coined by Marc Schuilenburg and others could function as a base for an alternative, more constructive and inclusive ‘big story’ on crime and security that is more akin to restorative justice. Aspects of current social protest movements as the MeToo movement, Black Lives Matter and climate demonstrations could be integrated in this ‘big story’, also to prevent that restorative justice is viewed only as a quick fix to soothe symptoms and not address political and social root causes of injustice. In this way, the international restorative justice movement could widen its scope. |
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Het ontrafelen van de effectpuzzelAandacht voor de werkzame ingrediënten van slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling voor daders |
Trefwoorden | Fellegi, moraliteit, neutralisatietechnieken, schaamte, sociale bindingen |
Auteurs | Sven Zebel |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Why and how mediated contact between victims and offenders (and members from their networks) leads to positive outcomes, remains a difficult question to answer. Not surprisingly therefore, this topic has been the focus of attention of multiple articles in the past twenty years of this journal. In this contribution, the inspiring article of Borbala Fellegi (2008), titled ‘Explaining the impact of restorative justice. The “4-way interaction” of morality, neutralisation, shame and bonds’ is celebrated. Fellegi presents a theoretical framework in which the added value of restorative, mediated victim-offender meetings for the re-integration of offenders is outlined compared to other judicial responses to crime. Central to her argument is that the mediation process affects in particular the four criminogenic factors mentioned in the title. In this contribution two innovative, working mechanisms of the mediation process that she proposes, are highlighted. First, the preparation phase in which the neutral mediator initiates and facilitates discussion of the crime and its consequences for the victim(s) with the offender. Fellegi proposes that this mechanism can (start to) lift the criminogenic factor moral reasoning of the offender. Second, the restorative focus of the encounter itself between the victim and offender, in which both parties can express how they were affected, express their emotions (such as shame feelings of the offender) and discuss jointly how restoration and reparation might be achieved. This should reduce the criminogenic factor neutralisation, increase moral reasoning, and might contribute to integrative social bonds between the parties and their networks. Thus, Fellegi’s work has made innovative suggestions about the working mechanisms of victim-offender mediation – these suggestions offer useful hypotheses that can be tested empirically. |
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Een portret van het slachtoffer in het Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht |
Trefwoorden | slachtoffer, basisbehoeften, sociaal construct, wraakzuchtig slachtoffer |
Auteurs | Alice Bosma |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
‘The victim’ is an important figure in restorative justice, but who is this victim? In this article, I will review articles published in this journal between 2005 and 2019 in order to establish the characteristics of victims recognized in the field of restorative justice. It first needs to be noted that there is not one homogeneous victim group. The diversity in victims and their needs calls for research investigating when, for whom, and under which circumstances restorative justice practices lead to victim satisfaction. Many articles reviewed address this question. When I nevertheless try to extract an ideal type of victim of restorative justice, it seems that the victim is agentic and resilient, expresses a wide range of emotions, prioritizes reparation over punitive measures and is overall very satisfied with the restorative justice practice. |
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Is herstelrecht voor jeugdigen volwassen geworden? |
Trefwoorden | jeugdstrafrecht, jeugdherstelrecht, binding, kinderrechten, herstelrechtelijk jeugdsanctierecht |
Auteurs | Annemieke Wolthuis |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The 20th anniversary of this journal is a good reason to glance back at developments with restorative justice for children and young people. Can we say that restorative youth justice has become mature? Some core events and articles about developments in Belgium, the Netherlands and elsewhere are discussed, paying attention to young suspects as well as victims. Subsequently, the embedding of restorative justice in youth laws is discussed. Finally, the article focuses on the question what should be done to improve the implementation into an effective, child friendly and ‘rights based’ youth sanction model. |