Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Gruwelijke beelden van plaatsen delict: kijkstrategieën, opgewekte emoties en oordeelsvorming

Trefwoorden eyetracking, crime scene photography, disgust sensitivity, perceptions of seriousness, penal decision-making
Auteurs Dr. Lotte van Dillen en Dr. Gabry Vanderveen

Dr. Lotte van Dillen

Dr. Gabry Vanderveen
Dr. G. Vanderveen is universitair docent aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en eigenaar van Recht op Beeld.
  • Samenvatting

      Eyetracking enabled the authors to study eye movements of 23 participants who looked at crime scene photographs. The authors measured the emotions elicited by the photographs, as well as perceptions of seriousness and the sentence that participants would give the perpetrator of the crime. Also, individual differences in disgust sensitivity were taken into account. Results show a positive relationship between disgust sensitivity and both the proportion of fixations as well as the number of fixations on gruesome aspects of the photos (the blood and the wound), emotion ratings of the photographs, perceptions of seriousness, and the sentence given. Implications, limitations, and future directions of the research are discussed.

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