In the Netherlands, the number of cocaine traffickers arrested at Schiphol International Airport peaked in 2003. In May 2003, sentencing guidelines regarding cocaine traffickers were redefined into a smaller number of categories (wider quantity ranges, less specified offender categories) with lower sentences than before. New guidelines allowed criminal courts more flexibility, and judges were expected to sentence cocaine traffickers more often than before in accordance with guidelines. All cases, at all four applicable criminal courts, against cocaine traffickers that had been arrested at Schiphol in 2003 were analyzed (877 simple court and 994 full court cases). In between 30 and 40 percent of cases sentences were not according to the guidelines (mostly lower), and even more frequently than before the new guidelines had been introduced. Experience as a judge (number of years) was not associated with keeping up with guidelines, but male judges sentenced suspects more often than female judges in discordance with guidelines (and consequently below guidelines). In line with American literature, personal characteristics of suspects appeared strong predictors of the extent judges conformed to sentencing guidelines. Female offenders were twice as often as male offenders sentenced lower than the guidelines. The same result was found for offenders born or living in the Netherlands, versus migrants and offenders living abroad. |

Tijdschrift voor Criminologie
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In memoriam Herman Franke |
Auteurs | Willem de Haan |
Artikel |
Bestraffing van cocaïnesmokkelaarsRichtlijnen, rechters, rechtbanken en de persoon van de dader |
Trefwoorden | straftoemetingsrichtlijnen, cocaïnesmokkel, rechters, Schiphol |
Auteurs | mr. dr. Miranda Boone en Prof. dr. Dirk J. Korf |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Het huwelijk als keerpunt?De invloed van trouwen en partnerselectie op de ontwikkeling van crimineel gedrag |
Trefwoorden | huwelijk, crimineel gedrag, vrouwelijke delinquenten, longitudinaal onderzoek |
Auteurs | Marieke van Schellen, Robert Apel en Prof. dr. Paul Nieuwbeerta |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Marriage is considered to be an important life-course event that can lead to desistance from a criminal career. However, desistance is far less obvious when offenders marry criminal partners. The aim of this study is to investigate what impact a spouse’s criminal career at the time of marriage has on persistence in crime. To analyze the relationship between marriage, spousal criminality, and criminal offending, we use a unique longitudinal dataset: the Criminal Career and Life-course Study. This is the first study that contains longitudinal data on the criminal careers of both offenders and their partners. Results show that the frequency of criminal conviction is lower if men marry non-criminal spouses. However, if men marry criminal spouses, their conviction rate does not differ from those who remain single. For women, on the other hand, marriage is related to lower conviction frequencies no matter the spouse’s criminal history. |
Artikel |
Terug bij af?Terugkeer en re-integratie van Bulgaarse vrouwen na uitbuiting in de prostitutie |
Trefwoorden | prostitutie, Bulgarije, remigratie, slachtofferschap |
Auteurs | MsC Loes Kersten |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This research aimed to describe the remigration of Bulgarian women who had been exploited in prostitution in the Netherlands. The difficulties they encountered during their attempt to reintegrate in their environment of origin was one of the main points of interest. Files of Bulgarian women registered as victims have been analyzed in both the Netherlands and in Bulgaria. Interviews were held with current Bulgarian sex workers, former victims of trafficking and several professionals involved in the wellbeing of these women. In many cases remigration turned out to be a temporary situation as many women returned to the Netherlands later on. Partly for that reason it appeared difficult to keep track of their situation after they (initially) came back to Bulgaria. Many women encounter the very problems that contributed to the situation of trafficking in the first place. This makes it difficult to change their marginal position: prostitution remains a well paid option if the circumstances that have led to their exploitation in prostitution remain the same. This does not necessarily lead to repeated victimization, but at least to only a limited difference that reintegration programs can make. |
Artikel |
‘Ge moet daar in gezeten hebben om dat te begrijpen’Onderzoek naar de ervaringen van leden van de assisenjury in België |
Trefwoorden | juryrechtspraak, hof van assisen, vertrouwen, België |
Auteurs | Ward Noelmans en Prof. dr. Kristel Beyens |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Since the last years there is extensive ongoing debate in Belgium about jury trials at the Assize Court. These trials are an example of direct participation of citizens in the criminal justice system. Hence this jury has obtained a special position in the Belgian administration of justice. Jury deliberations behind closed doors and the isolation of jury members from the outside world contribute to the fascination for this legal phenomenon. The element of secrecy also explains why there is so little empirical research on the jury’s functioning and the jurors’ experiences during the process. By means of interviews with former jury members, we studied the influence of lay participation in a jury trial on their views and confidence in jury decision making. We found that a positive evaluation of participation in a jury may strengthen their involvement with and trust in jury decision making. However, our research also reveals that jury trials may lead to some unacceptable deficits in the proceedings and outcome of the process. These results are contextualised in the broader debate about the jury and the demand for reform of the assize court proceedings. |
Praktijk |
Jongeren en criminaliteitEen lange geschiedenis van de Middeleeuwen tot heden |
Trefwoorden | jeugdcriminaliteit, geschiedenis, jeugdige delinquenten, literatuur |
Auteurs | Dr. Margo De Koster |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Juvenile crime has been present form the Midle Ages onward, although it was nly described as a separate phenomenon in the Nineteenth Century. This article explores the similarities and notions of juvenile crime from a long-term perspective. This sheds another light on present-day youth problems and delinquency and ways to prevent and/or punish them. |
Boekbespreking |
Amazing criminology |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Tom Vander Beken |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Van kwaad tot erger |
Auteurs | Richard Singelenberg |
Auteursinformatie |
Agenda |
Agenda |