In this article, theories on organisational crime are applied to the involvement of the German corporation Topf & Söhne in the Holocaust. This corporation produced ovens for various concentration and destruction camps in Germany and Poland and contributed significantly to the execution of the Holocaust with their innovative products. The motivation to procure these ovens to the SS does not seem to stem from force, ideological agreement or maximisation of profit. Instead loss-minimisation and a ‘culture of perfection’ seem to form the explanation. Opportunity was provided by the Nazi-Germany regime and the knowledge and skills were already at hand within the organisation. Because of the close collaboration between these two parties, this case can be qualified as a form of state-corporate crime. Administrative, political and social control was absent and neutralisations only seem to have been formed after the Holocaust. The analysis shows how theories about ‘regular’ organisational criminality can form an explanation of the involvement of corporations in international crimes. |

Tijdschrift voor Criminologie
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Artikel |
De ovenbouwers van de HolocaustEen casestudie van organisatiecriminaliteit |
Trefwoorden | Tweede Wereldoorlog, Holocaust, Organisatiecriminaliteit, Duitsland |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Wim Huisman en BSc Annika van Baar |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
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De stilte rondom Madoff |
Trefwoorden | Fraude, Madoff, Oplichting, Verenigde Staten |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Henk van de Bunt |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article focuses on the Madoff case which came to light at the end of 2008. Remarkable for this case is that Madoff could go on with his scam for a very long time. Failing supervision was not the only reason for this. Madoff’s qualities – disguising the illegal activities and his social stature – cannot explain the whole puzzle. The social network, a ‘secret society’ and the fact that people involved went on with it, even when knowing that ‘it was too good to be true’ are explained in this article. |
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Kinderen van gedetineerde moedersEen studie naar het gedrag en welbevinden van kinderen met een moeder in de gevangenis |
Trefwoorden | Kinderen, Gedetineerde moeders, Sociale omstandigheden |
Auteurs | Dr. Menno Ezinga en Drs. Sanne Hissel |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Little is known about children when the mothers are imprisoned. Especially in the Netherlands, hardly any empirical research has been conducted regarding the whereabouts and psychological well-being of children with incarcerated mothers. We visited and collected data from four female prisons. Via the mothers’ consent we contacted the children and their caregivers. First, we conducted a semi-structured interview about the wellbeing of the child during the separation through detention of mother and child. Second, we asked mothers and caregivers to complete checklists of behavioral problems. The caretaking situation turned out to be diverse. Generally, the children experienced both internalizing and externalizing behavioural problems and specific problems associated with the detention of their mothers. The well-being of the children seems to be partially related with the incarceration of the mother. However, it also turned out that quite a few risk factors such as a broken home and neglect is present for the child being raised. Results are discussed as well as some recommendations for future research. |
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Objectiviteit of schijnzekerheid?Kwaliteit, mogelijkheden en beperkingen van instrumenten voor risicotaxatie |
Trefwoorden | Risicotaxatieinstrumenten, Meta-evaluatie, Risicotaxatie |
Auteurs | Dr. Joke Harte en MSc Minke Breukink |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Increasingly, instruments for risk assessment have been used for the assessment of future violence. This article provides an overview of the risk assessment instruments that are used in the Netherlands for the prediction of criminal recidivism. The quality of these instruments is regarded by examining studies on the interrater reliability and the predictive validity. The benefits as well as the limitations of risk assessment instruments are discussed. It is concluded that these instruments can be valuable, especially for research on treatment effects in the field of forensic psychiatry. On the other hand, it has to be acknowledged that with risk assessment instruments, the possibility to predict criminal recidivism on individual level is still limited. Psychologist and psychiatrists, presenting a mental health assessment to the court, have to inform the judge correctly about these limitations. |
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Digitale en traditionele bedreiging vergelekenEen studie naar risicofactoren van slachtofferschap |
Trefwoorden | Bedreiging, Slachtofferschap, Cybercriminaliteit, Internet |
Auteurs | dr. Johan van Wilsem |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Computers and the internet offer new ways to offenders for committing crimes. The present article uses routine activity theory and large-scale victimization survey data (N=6,896) to study digital threat victimization (i.e. threats people receive by email or chat rooms) in the general population. It assesses risk factors for digital threats and compares them with risk factors for receiving traditional threats and a mixture of digital and traditional threats. The results show that youngsters and offenders of digital crime run higher risks of all types of threat victimization. In extension, outdoor routine activities increase the risk not only of traditional threats but of digital threats as well, while the same holds for certain computer activities (e.g. having a profile on Hyves). These findings point towards the connection of social interactions between people in the physical and digital world. Finally, the results suggest that impulsive people are more vulnerable to threat victimization. |
Boekbespreking |
‘Angst voor criminaliteit’Een onderzoekstraditie met uitdagingen |
Auteurs | dr. Gabry Vanderveen |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Professionalisering van de recidivemeting in Nederland |
Auteurs | dr. Bert Berghuis |
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Boekbespreking |
Criminele kinderen |
Auteurs | dr. Machteld Hoeve |
Auteursinformatie |
Agenda |
Agenda |