Tom Daems Prof. dr. Tom Daems is hoogleraar criminologie, Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (LINC), KU Leuven.
Citaties in dit artikel
Victimization and the Victim Industry. Society, mei/juni, 1997
Renzo Martens and the Institute for Human Activities. International Contemporary Art, 122, 24-29, 2014
Een sociologische verkenning van victimisering
Panopticon, 2007
Misdaad en straf in onrustige tijden. Borgerhoff, 2022
Critique in Practice: Renzo Martens’ Episode III (Enjoy Poverty). Sternberg Press, 2019
An immodest proposal: Renzo Martens‘ Episode III: Enjoy Poverty and the practice of critique. In A. Downey (ed.), Critique in Practice: Renzo Martens’ Episode III (Enjoy Poverty) (pp, 2019
Review: Episode III: Enjoy Poverty. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 70(3), 2011
Holstein, Miller
Rethinking victimization: An interactional approach to victimology
Symbolic Interaction, 1990
Perugini, Zucconi
Enjoy Poverty: humanitarianism and the testimonial function of images. Visual Studies, 32(1), 2017
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