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Tijdschrift voor Forensische Psychiatrie en Psychologie


Te gek om los te lopen

Het beeld van forensische zorg, professionals en patiënten in Nederlandse fictie, films en series

Trefwoorden forensische zorg, frames, beeldvorming, films en series, professionals
Auteurs Eleni Georgaki, Joni Reef en Michiel van der Wolf

Eleni Georgaki
Eleni Georgaki is docent criminologie en onderzoeker aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden. Zij is ook filmmaker.

Joni Reef
Dr. Joni Reef is psycholoog en sinds 2010 verbonden aan de faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden, waar ze leidinggeeft aan diverse onderwijs- en onderzoeksprojecten.

Michiel van der Wolf
Prof. dr. mr. Michiel van der Wolf is werkzaam als hoogleraar forensische psychiatrie bij het Instituut voor Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Universiteit Leiden, universitair hoofddocent strafrecht aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, rechter-plaatsvervanger bij de rechtbank Amsterdam en raadsheer-plaatsvervanger bij het gerechtshof Arnhem-Leeuwarden.
  • Samenvatting

      A forensic patient develops a relationship with his therapist, which allows him to escape from the clinic and reoffend, after which he will once again be detained in the clinic. This is a common plot in Dutch fictional films and series depicting forensic care, while in reality such stories are highly exceptional. Therefore the image of forensic care becomes one-sided, negative and sensationalist, which is of importance as American research shows that the impact of drama on public opinion may be higher than that of news media. The portrayal of patients, professionals and the system of forensic care as a whole in fictional films and series can be classified in frames, which are known from research on (social) media or research on fiction abroad. This exploratory study aims to answer the question what frames are used for forensic care in Dutch fictional films and series. Sixteen productions from the last twenty years have been found and analyzed on the basis of general characteristics, including the plot, as well as the frames used to portray forensic care. Most of the frames used are negative and based on exceptional cases. Patients are portrayed as a ‘wild beast’ or ‘master manipulator’ who have committed capital crimes and/or serious sexual offenses. Most professionals are portrayed as naive, incompetent ‘cuddlers’ and ‘seducible’. Because of this combination the system is portrayed as having ‘more holes than a Swiss cheese’ with a lack of attention for victims. Influencing this image is more important than ever for creating societal support. The escaped forensic patient should make room for the patient who will no longer severely reoffend, which fortunately is a much more frequent character in reality.

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