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Tijdschrift voor Criminologie


Minderjarigen met een missie: een verkenning van copingstrategieën van en hulpverlening aan Syrische alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen

Trefwoorden asylum, Syria, victimology, resilience, trauma
Auteurs Eva Notté en Maarten Bolhuis

Eva Notté
E.P.A. Notté MSc is Technisch Adviseur Kinderhandel en Onveilige Migratie bij Terre des Hommes Netherlands.

Maarten Bolhuis
Dr. M.P. Bolhuis is universitair docent Criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) are particularly vulnerable due to the combination of unsafety, fleeing without their parents and their age. The authors conducted empirical research to explore which coping strategies the biggest URM group in 2020 in the Netherlands, Syrians, used and how their needs in coping with potentially traumatizing events correspond with the available care. We conducted 26 interviews with minor and adult Syrian refugees and professionals. The interviews showed that Syrian URM used nine different coping strategies, especially being self-reliant, distracting yourself, being positive and giving meaning. Their main needs are self-reliance, retaining their pride and being able to focus on the future. URM care in the Netherlands corresponds well with especially practical needs. However, concerns exist about the availability of emotional support and the cutoff point of guidance of URM once they turn 18. This study makes some concrete recommendations for improvement.

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